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    REVIEW: Crysis Remastered shows that some things deserve to be in the past

    First released for Nintendo Switch in July this year, Crysis remastered finally arrives at PC, PS4 e Xbox One to invite us to a visit in HD of a classic action game. The problem is that this tour will not be pleasant and certainly will not bring good memories for players. The remastered version of the game shows that as an action game, it still has its merits, but the graphical improvements have not been implemented at the time of its release.

    Techlifers received a copy of Crysis remastered guidance on PlayStation 4 and, after a few days of venturing around islands full of enemies in a highly advanced combat suit, we bring you a complete analysis of this classic action game that deserved to have remained as a fond memory in the minds of gamers.

    A no-nonsense remaster

    If you were a gamer and you weren't hiding in a cave in 2007 (maybe just secluded in your room playing games) then you've probably heard of Crysis and even played the games in the series. Developed by Crytek and published by EA, the graphic quality of Crysis it was so superior by the standards of the time that the game was used as a benchmark tool to define the power level of your computer.

    REVIEW: Crysis Remastered shows that some things deserve to be in the past
    When comparing side-by-side, Crysis Remastered's visual improvement over the original is impressive.

    Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for the remastered version of the game. This port was produced by an office of Saber Interactive (the same company responsible for the amazing port of The Witcher 3 to the Nintendo Switch) working with the Crytek. The result is a version of the game that is graphically superior to the version released months earlier for the Nintendo Switch but that even with the various improvements compared to the original game, it is not able to surprise the player in visual terms.

    Even running in resolution of 1080p No. PS4, it is clear that the visuals have obviously been improved in this remaster. It is now possible to see the sun's rays passing through the treetops and the foliage of the fictional Lingshan Islands look almost real. Shards of explosions fly in all directions, flames shoot up to the sky and the water appears crystal clear to the eye.

    On the surface it's all very impressive, especially for a game that's nearly 13 years old, although regardless of its setup, the character models still look very dated and the expressions aren't as natural as in a current game.

    “Perhaps the most disappointing aspect of Crysis remastered — in addition to the low performance and graphical optimization — is the fact that the game is exactly the same as in 2007″

    According to the specifications of Crytek, the game has a series of technical improvements such as HDR, anti-aliasing e Ray Tracing. As long as you have a machine with enough hardware to run all these features, Crysis remastered it becomes an amazing experience. The problem is that for more modest consoles like the first model of PS4, the result is, to say the least, disappointing. As with the launch of the original game, it seems that to take all the graphical potential out of Crysis remastered just investing in powerful hardware.

    As you shoot around and venture through the islands and their dangers, one question that keeps pounding in your head is why this new remastered version is coming out. After all, the Crysis original was already executed with resolution 4K and textures improved through the use of mods for years. Certainly now console owners can have access to a similar version without having to worry about mods, but it wasn't something the gamer community was fervently requesting.

    REVIEW: Crysis Remastered shows that some things deserve to be in the past
    It is now possible to observe the reflection in the water, the sunlight and other graphic details that in 2007 were not possible to be generated by the players' machines

    Fortunately, Crysis' audio remains as good as the original. when playing Crysis remastered It is highly recommended that the player use a good headphone, as the sound design allows you to identify distinct sounds with high accuracy. It's even possible to know which direction shots or explosions are coming from.

    Perhaps the most disappointing aspect of Crysis remastered — in addition to the low performance and graphical optimization — is the fact that the game is exactly the same as it was in 2007. There is no extra or new content and even the game menu remains the same. Not to mention the game's automatic save points that keep causing gameplay crashes during the most inopportune moments.

    Aliens, Guns and Shooting

    In terms of story and gameplay, don't expect anything new in Crysis remastered. If the plot was already cliché when the game was released in 2007, now that the remastered version doesn't add anything new the situation just becomes more tedious. The story, which begins around a typical military sniper before revealing a much larger alien threat, manages to hold the player's attention for only the first few hours.

    REVIEW: Crysis Remastered shows that some things deserve to be in the past
    Shooting and using the nanosuit's powers are just as fun as ever

    Not even the shift from tropical island settings to the planet's alien terrains Ceph are able to surprise the player. Of course, everything just got a lot nicer to look at in high definition, but like most FPS, the story of Crysis It's not your forte.

    Fortunately, the gameplay remains well-built. Even if the aim doesn't seem as accurate as you might expect from current games of this genre, shooting with the different weapons you have access to is still a lot of fun. In addition, the controls are simple and straightforward, making activities such as changing equipment, reloading weapons or using the powers of your nanosuit an easy task to perform.

    “Of course, everything is much more pleasant to look at in high definition, but like most FPS, the story of Crysis It's not your forte"

    Speaking of nanosuits, this special suit that can grant you invisibility or extra armor for a short period of time remains a very interesting idea (even if your special powers wear out quickly). That way, you need to create good strategies to know the right moment to use your suit's abilities and not end up unprotected in the middle of a horde of enemies armed to the teeth.

    REVIEW: Crysis Remastered shows that some things deserve to be in the past
    When you're not dealing with confused enemies, the landscape is really pretty to look at.

    Perhaps the biggest flaw in terms of gameplay in Crysis remastered be the enemy AI, which remains atrocious as in the original game. Somehow, troops can spot you from 200 meters away while you're standing still and attack you in seconds, but they're also dumb enough to walk backwards straight into the barrel of a gun when you're within a few meters of distance. This is something you certainly couldn't expect from a game. AAA not today and not in 2007, right?

    Crysis Remastered: a piece of the gaming museum

    O Crysis The original was always a better tech demo than a well-built, fun game, but in 2020, it's become a museum piece. Crysis remastered it's an interesting throwback to past innovations, but a comeback that really isn't worth spending a lot of time on these days.

    REVIEW: Crysis Remastered shows that some things deserve to be in the past
    Crysis Remastered: a great game to remember

    Almost all of its best ideas were made better by other games in the FPS genre like Far Cry, Call of Duty, Battlefield, DOOM, among others. In 2007, if you were looking for a game that was synonymous with impressive graphics, you would certainly look for Crysis. However, as at that time it was no longer considered a great FPS game, this statement remains true, 13 years later.

    Crysis Remastered is available for purchase on the PlayStation Store for R$159,90.

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