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    REVIEW: Hades for PS4 remains a masterpiece

    Table of Contents
    1. Main differences between Hades for PC/Switch and the port for PS4/consoles
    2. The Hades Experience
    3. What is it like to play on Dualshock 4
    4. Is it worth buying Hades for consoles?

    Hades was first released to the PC e Nintendo Switch in September 2020 and it was a huge success, after all, the Supergiant Games (of Transistor, Bastion e Pyre) brought with the game a wonderful experience for the genre. For those who don't know, roguelike — or rogue-like — is a subgenre of RPGs where its main feature is the random or procedural generation of levels, that is, each time you play the game, the scenario, enemies and even even your skills will be different.

    No case of Hades, as its name suggests, this was applied in the Greek mythology universe in which you control Zagreus, son of Hades, whose mission is to get out of the Underworld. Using the famous sub-genre, the game puts you in frantic gameplay and with a great variety of weapons, enemies and help from the gods that make each attempt to escape the Underworld unique.

    REVIEW: Hades for PS4 remains a masterpiece
    Even hell looks beautiful with this game's design.

    This does not guarantee that the game will click with you and that was even a fear of mine. As much as I had loved the game's aesthetics and theme, I was a little afraid of ending up not liking the genre, after all, the only game I've played that came close to a rogue-like was sundered and well, it didn't work for me.

    Hades, on the other hand, won me over from the start. From its home screen with a wonderful soundtrack to the deepest of its history it was and still is difficult to find something that is really a negative point. The way the gameplay, story and narrative intertwine is so intuitive that even when you die, it doesn't make you sad or angry — except in specific cases — but rather interested in the dialogue that will follow.

    Main differences between Hades for PC/Switch and the port for PS4/consoles

    REVIEW: Hades for PS4 remains a masterpiece
    Zagreus on Elysium in Hades for PS4.

    I played the game on a PlayStation 4 Slim and compared to its first version, it only has a few “bonuses”. These are things that don't change anything in gameplay or in the game's history, for example, but that adapt to desktop consoles. In the case of the PlayStation family, the issue of the LED colors of the Dualshock 4 e dualsense — which are on the front and on the controller's touchpad — adapt according to the god you're talking to at the moment. If it's with Zeus, it's yellow, if it's with Poseidon, it's blue and so on.

    Another change that didn't have in the original versions and that can make a difference in some cases is the vibration issue. In the case of the Dualshock 4 we only have a common vibration at specific times and the only useful feature of it is on account of fishing, as it helps you to know the right moment to pull the fish. With Dualsense, according to a friend who played on PS5, in a specific case where you can pet Cerberus, Dualsense vibrates in a different way to simulate the “purrs” of the dog.

    For achievement and trophy hunters, in the new versions you can platinum the game on Playstation and purchase the 1000g on Xbox. There are 50 trophies / achievements that have the base challenges of the game, that is, if you did everything possible in it, your trophy or achievement will probably be released.

    In terms of performance, story or any gameplay change, there is no difference pointed out by Supergiant Games. In my experience I had and still have a strange situation in the Asphodelus area. In the vast majority of times the giant Gorgon appeared, for some bizarre reason my game had drops in FPS. It's a very specific case and sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn't. Because it's something I've only seen happen to me, I believe it must be some incompatibility with my PS4.

    The Hades Experience

    REVIEW: Hades for PS4 remains a masterpiece
    Zagreus with the Hydra in one of the game's arts.

    As I mentioned at the beginning of the text, Hades it was one of my first experiences with rogue-like games, but luckily it clicked very well with me. In this topic I want to highlight some points of my experience with the game before we go back to more technical questions.

    I was expecting an interesting game, but being thrown into the action so directly was something I didn't expect. In addition, the fact that the game connects all the elements within its narrative made me like it more and more. At the beginning you are still getting to know the excellent characters in the story and trying to understand the reasons for Zagreus want to leave the Underworld. In a certain part of the game you understand these reasons and all this is done in-game, without videos or cuts, just in dialogues.

    As for the combat, it's a surreal good thing. It's a feeling similar to what I had with Sekiro when I managed to master the techniques of it. In Hades I still have a lot of “tricks” to learn, but it's an adequate comparison in my experience, after all in both games I started getting beat up a lot.

    To finish this part, I can't forget to comment on the game's soundtrack, which from the main menu is already very impressive and striking. We have calm songs, more agitated ones and those of moments that mark you a lot in games.

    What is it like to play on Dualshock 4

    REVIEW: Hades for PS4 remains a masterpiece
    Your powers are in the left corner and the health bar in the bottom left.

    The issue of controls in the game is a very positive point as well. The default controls settings are good and very functional. And the fact that the game lets you remap the buttons the way you think is best is great and I'm always in favor of the player having the most varied control options, subtitles and anything else. In my case, I even made a single change to the buttons. I changed the interaction button and the “avoid” button. In this case, the dodge was on “X/A” and the interaction on “R1/RB” and I inverted their functions, because I found it more functional to press R1 to dodge.

    taking it out, play Hades for PS4 was excellent and still has been, as it is a somewhat addictive and challenging experience. In the beginning, you take a LOT of damage until you understand what works best for you, which weapons are more interesting, but with each death and new item, in addition to new surprises, you improve in the gameplay until at a certain point you pass a "phase" in a flash.

    Finally, to close the question of gameplay in the controls, it is no differentiator for better or for worse. It will depend on each player and the way you prefer to play. If keyboards are your thing, play the PC version, if not, you now have not only the Switch, but every other platform available.

    Is it worth buying Hades for consoles?

    REVIEW: Hades for PS4 remains a masterpiece
    This game has great moments.

    The game was re-released on August 13th for Playstation 4/5 and Xbox Series S / X, with a very interesting difference — but not so good. In the case of Playstation owners, the value of the game is R$ 124,50, while in their versions of Xbox e Switch goes for R$92,50. The big difference for Xbox owners, however, is that the game was released directly with the Game Pass. There is no concrete answer as to why Sony's values ​​are always higher in games, but it is indeed something strange.

    If you are a Game Pass subscriber, please try the game as soon as possible. In the case of having to buy it on PSN, even for the slightly higher price, for the quality of the game, it pays off a lot, but that does not mean that Sony's pricing policy is correct.

    Lastly, Hades is a unique experience, which gives you a diverse and enjoyable gameplay, in addition to offering a great challenge. If you don't have Game Pass and money is tight, expect a promotion, but give one of the best games I've had the pleasure of playing a try.

    The game was tested on a Playstation 4 Slim with a copy provided by Supergiant Games

    For more game news and reviews, like análise de Ghost of Tsushima: Director’s Cut, always keep an eye on the Techlifers.

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