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    10 years of League of Legends: Riot announces market domination strategy

    On 15/10, League of Legends, the biggest MOBA game today, turned 10, and with that, the game's producer, Riot Games, held a mega live event to celebrate the anniversary. However, the company went far beyond a simple celebration, it ambitiously stunned all players and fans with an unprecedented series of releases and expansive news from the League of Legends universe. There were so many ads that they will be discussed and analyzed here one by one.

    Riot Games now outlines an ambitious, surprising and gigantic expansion plan. Mastering the MOBA genre is not enough, Riot will now compete heavily with multiple companies across multiple platforms, bringing the massive power of loyal players and fans of the Runeterra universe, the land where League and Legends takes place, beyond the game itself. In summary, the following were announced:

    A new champion - Senna the Redeemer

    An expected champion and already much talked about with previous leaks. It is the wife of the character Lucian, whose soul was captured in the lantern of antagonist and champion Thresh. The champion gained an animation of its own and brings with it an unprecedented class in the game, mixing AD carry and support. Her mechanics have not yet been revealed, but by a past leak, her first skin is already known, which will most likely be part of another musical group in the game, called True Damage.

    Senna should arrive on the PBE servers, the beta version of the game, at the end of the month, with a release scheduled for sometime in November.

    Karma Emissária da Luz - Total donation to social causes

    10 years of League of Legends: Riot announces market domination strategy

    Karma Emissary of Light Splash Art - Riot Games

    Riot also revealed a new skin for champion Karma, whose entire proceeds from the purchase of these skins went to charity. The company has previously done this with the Blackstar Cho'Gath skin.

    Summoner's Rift map and dragon mechanic changes:

    The new map will have some expansions and minor changes in bushes location. But the main thing is the interaction between the dragons and the map itself. When a dragon spawns, depending on its element, the map will take effect and redraw itself.

    • The infernal dragon had burned the land, decreasing the number of bushes across the map.
    • The mountain dragon will create more walls, including a wall in the dragon valley itself, creating two entrances to the area.
    • The water dragon will create more bushes on the map.
    • The wind dragon will create regions on the map that will buff movement speed.

    It was not informed when these changes will be released to the map in a precise way, but it will be in 2020 most likely.

    The return of the URF

    10 years of League of Legends: Riot announces market domination strategy

    Capa do URF - Riot Games

    Yes, the alternative mode most loved by LoL players will return, and for the first time in four years it will not be random, that is, you will be able to choose your champion to play on the Summoner's Rift map. The mode where everyone has 80% cooldown reduction and infinite mana will arrive soon, maybe even this month.

    Awards from 17/10 - 10 years of League of Legends

    10 years of League of Legends: Riot announces market domination strategy

    Daily rewards

    For the first time, Riot is offering players who have an account created before 15/10 a series of rewards (and what rewards) as a form of daily login. There will be a total of 11 rewards, the last one being an exclusive skin for Annie's 10th Anniversary Special.

    10 years of League of Legends: Riot announces market domination strategy

    LoL 10th Anniversary Special Annie

    Wild Rift - LoL Mobile e TFT Mobile

    Okay, updates and additions to the well-known League of Legends are somewhat obvious and common, so Riot officially announced the mobile version of the MOBA, called Wild Rift, with adapted and redesigned characters. The game had already been announced before and was featured at the event with official trailer and gameplay revealed.

    Mobile comes to compete strongly with all mobile MOBAs that have been released in recent years and that brought together League of Legends players who were looking for something similar in a portable way. With the arrival of Wild Rift, the public will be born strong with players migrated from games like Mobile Legends and new players who migrated from League itself to PC.

    Not only the MOBA, but also the strategy game recently released by Riot added to LoL, Teamfight Tactics (TFT) will also win the version adapted for smartphones and with multiplatform server. Release dates have not been set yet.

    Both games are now available on the Play Store and App Store for pre-registration.

    Project A - Game FPS

    Riot has already covered MOBA, board and mobile to also expand into first person shooter games, or FPS, in the style of Overwatch and CS:GO to compete directly with them. It is, however, the only announcement of the night that will not be part of the Runeterra universe, but a completely new production. The game also does not have a specific release date.

    10 years of League of Legends: Riot announces market domination strategy

    Legends of Runeterra - Card game

    Blizzard is being pressured directly by Riot games, first with the future competition to Overwatch, and now for Heartstone with the launch of a card game in the Runeterra universe with mechanics very similar to HS, but with a much more modern look and animations very more present and worked. Legends of Runeterra is now available for testing for those who pre-register and pass it, also featuring a mobile version. So, its official release date shouldn't be far off.

    10 years of League of Legends: Riot announces market domination strategy

    Project L - Fighting game

    Another game that adapts the LoL universe to a new title with a new genre. This time, in the style of Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat, the champions of League of Legends will arrive as characters from a new fighting game. One more genre that Riot Games and the Runeterra universe will now also cover.

    10 years of League of Legends: Riot announces market domination strategy

    Arcane - animated series

    Yes, there will also be a series animated by the team behind League of Legends' incredible cinematics. The story will take place in the territory of Piltover and Zaum, with main characters being Vi and Jinx apparently, very much confirming that they are likely at least step-sisters. Other suggestive characters also appear, such as Singed and Warwick. The plot will be set in the childhood of the two girls, so both Singed and Warwick before their transformation are plausible to be present in the time period and location of the series.

    10 years of League of Legends: Riot announces market domination strategy

    • CBlol final is defined with Flamengo vs INTZ
    • First gameplay of the mobile version of League of Legends leaks
    Finally, new champion comics were also announced, such as Zed's, which even shows his face on the cover, and also League of Legends Soundtracks available on Spotify. A documentary about League of Legends will be produced, covering the game's production and development process and telling a little bit of the story behind it all.

    Today also revealed a partnership between Riot Games and Riachuelo for the development of an official line of clothing based on the game.

    So, recap, Riot Games in its world domination strategy will now cover MOBA, fighting, FPS, board games, card game, animated series and even clothing. Anyone who really loves the League of Legends universe now doesn't even have to leave it at any time.

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