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    Adaptation coming? Rumors indicate a series of The Elder Scrolls

    Adaptation coming? Rumors indicate a series of The Elder Scrolls

    The Elder Scrolls, if not the biggest, is certainly among Bethesda's biggest hits. Skyrim, a game that came out in 2011, was a major highlight of the franchise and is still being played today, often remembered as one of the great titles ever released. Obviously, many players dream of a live action adaptation, as the title is one of the works that most seem to fit in with film or television versions. Now, according to an insider's leaks, fans can hope for a Skyrim series to come true.

    According to the insider, Netflix is ​​interested in producing a series based on The Elder Scrolls. Although there is no confirmation, not even from Netflix, the website GameInformer claims that the streaming service has five projects based on games that will soon be released, which gives strength to the rumor about the adaptation of The Elder Scrolls. One of these projects is the Resident Evil series.

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    Other adaptations coming

    Game adaptations have been around for some time, but for the most part the result is completely disappointing. However, the directors and producers seem committed to keep trying, whether with movies or series, so several projects will be offered to the public in the coming years.

    Fallout, another Bethesda franchise, already has a confirmed series. The adaptation will be produced by Amazon and will be directed by the creators of Westworld. Lisa Joy and Jonah Nolan are responsible for a project that should receive a heavy investment, quite possibly being one of the main contents of Amazon Prime Video.

    PlayStation will also feature adaptations of its games, with an impressive number of projects planned. Recently, it was stated that 3 movies and 7 series of adaptations are in Sony's plans.

    The Witcher in turn will return soon with its second season, being another important content in games that went to the screens as well. Although The Witcher appeared in the books, it is undeniable that the success of the games has leveraged the saga of the White Wolf, Geralt of Rivia.

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