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    All about GTA 6 - Rumors, confirmations, plot and more

    GTA 5 was a huge success for Rockstar. The game starring Michael, Franklin and Trevor has become one of the most successful titles in the industry. If the franchise was already established, GTA 5 took it to another level, with even more recognition. With online multiplayer, the game has managed to extend its lifespan, and nowadays it seems to be far from over. However, although GTA Online is still active and has many players, fans are already looking forward to the next title in the franchise, after all GTA 5 came out in 2013.

    GTA 6 has not yet been officially announced, but it is already a game that moves the internet and draws the attention of players. Rumors surface, leaks surface and fans speculate and create theories about each piece of information revealed. In this article, we've gathered everything we know about the upcoming Grand Theft Auto, considering rumors, leaks, confirmations, and any kind of information about the game. It is worth remembering that we will keep the article always updated, so you can rest assured about the news about GTA 6... they will be here!

    Or what we know about GTA 6

    When will it be launched

    2021 has already started busy for GTA fans. On the second day of the year, Yan2295, famous for leaking information about Rockstar, said on Twitter that the next GTA is already in development, but he also said that the project is still at an early stage and therefore there is still no release date. .

    Yes GTA 6 is being developed.
    No it's not coming soon.
    No I don't know when it's gonna be announced or released.
    You can stop asking now.

    — Yan2295 (@Yan2295) January 2, 2021

    Tom Henderson also talked about the game's release

    According to information from insider Tom Henderson, the new GTA won't be released before 2025. It's worth remembering that Henderson already has recognition for hitting leaks from franchises like Call of Duty and Battlefield.

    The story

    All about GTA 6 - Rumors, confirmations, plot and more

    The plot, of course, will focus on the criminal world once again.

    According to some rumors, in GTA 6 players will take control of a drug dealer and ascend in the criminal world. At the beginning of the journey, the main character will be a small bandit from Liberty City, but throughout the plot the criminal will gain strength and manage to join a gang in Vice City.

    There are also players who believe that the story of the next game is already finished. The plot of GTA 6 would have been ready before Dan Houser, co-founder of Rockstar Games and responsible for several successful scripts, left the company. Houser, some time ago, stated that the story of a new GTA would bother many people, which caused some fans to interpret that the screenwriter already knows exactly how the plot will develop, so the possibility of the story being finished would really do. sense.

    Vice City

    All about GTA 6 - Rumors, confirmations, plot and more

    Vice City has won over many fans of the franchise and now it may be returning.

    It's been a while since a report by The Know mentioned that GTA 6 would have the return of Vice City. After that, the rumor gained strength and many players began to consider that this will actually come to fruition.

    Liberty City and San Andreas have already appeared in the most recent titles in the franchise, which could mean it's time for Vice City to appear again as well, as the city is loved by many fans. Additionally, Yan2295, the same Insider who claimed the title was already in development, also said he had gained access to a letter from Rockstar Games that featured a request to inspect a Florida establishment to use it as inspiration. Florida is the state where Miami is located, the city where the developers were inspired to create Vice City.

    Recently, Rockstar Games secured gtavicecityonline dominance, making players even more hopeful about the city's return.

    Tom Henderson also confirms Vice City and says the map will be constantly changing

    Insider Tom Henderson also stated that Vice City will be present in the new GTA.

    According to Henderson, the game will be set in an updated version of the famous city. In addition, it was also stated that the game's map will have a system similar to that of Fortnite, being constantly changing.

    GTA V on PS5 may gain improvements with the graphics engine of Red Dead Redemption 2

    female character

    In early January, a rumor emerged that indicated a female protagonist for the next Grand Theft Auto. On Twitter, insider Tom Henderson, known for accurate leaks of Call of Duty, stated that, for the first time in franchise history, the game will have a female protagonist and another male protagonist.

    If the insider is right, GTA will once again introduce different protagonists that can be used by players at any time.

    Americas Project

    On Reddit, user JackO'Lantern 982 released information that indicated the game's plot, as well as locations where the title would take place, revealing the title Project Americas. This is how the rumor started about the story showing the rise of a petty criminal. According to the Reddit user, players will need to travel frequently between two cities, in addition to passing through various fields and highways. JackOLantern1982 also stated that the game will be set in different decades, thus showing the character's evolution and the way he manages to become a great criminal.

    The two cities in question would be Vice City and another new place in the franchise that would be located in South America. The supposed new city would be inspired by Rio de Janeiro.

    The rumor became known, but after some time the user deleted his post.

    New NPC technology

    Recently, Take-Two, owner of Rockstar Games, registered a patent for a new system with connection to NPCs, more precisely in traffic.

    The new traffic system serves to manage the navigation of NPCs, directly influencing the behavior and also the paths of vehicles. The System and Method For Virtual Navigation In A Gaming Environment was developed by Simon Parr, head of AI programming, and David Hyn, associate director of technology at Rockstar.

    The system, registered in October 2020, is expected to create a more realistic world without hardware or software limitations. The system should make it possible to perceive a more realistic traffic of cars and even boats, with drivers displaying an interesting behavior that provides more immersion.

    With the system, NPCs must define their own routes and paths, taking into account their understanding of acceleration, speeds needed to make turns, maximum speeds and other characteristics.

    There is a possibility that this system was created to be used in GTA 6, but it has also been said that it is for "navigation and virtual management of objects in a community of multiplayer games". So it's also possible that the system was created for improvements in GTA Online, something that doesn't seem so likely with a new title theoretically being closer and closer.

    There is also the possibility that this was designed for the upcoming GTA Online, and could also be used for the main campaign.

    Bully 2 canceled for Rockstar to focus on GTA 6

    Insider Tez2 stated that the new GTA has been in development since 2015, but saw the pace of the project slow down in 2017 so that there was a greater focus on Red Dead Redemption 2, released in 2018, and Bully 2.

    With this, Rockstar would have decided that the ideal would be to cancel Bully 2, thus starting to focus only on the Western franchise and Grand Theft Auto. On Reddit, Yan2295 confirmed Tez2's information.

    Red Dead Redemption 2 dialogue system

    There is a strong possibility that the new GTA will present a dialogue system with NPCs similar to that of Red Dead Redemption 2. This will give more immersion to the title and allow players to have even more freedom, with the possibility of interacting directly with the NPCs.

    In addition, it is possible that NPCs also react according to the player's actions and state, making comments in various situations.

    Many characters in the plot

    In his many statements about GTA 6, insider Tom Henderson also said that the new title in the franchise will have a lot of characters.

    In addition, Henderson, who also confirmed a female character as the protagonist, even said that the game will have a woman with a lot of technological knowledge.

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