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    All About League of Legends' New "Eternals" System

      "The Eternals" is the new system that Riot Games will implement in its MOBA, League of Legends. It consists of an expanded mastery system based on "achievements", that is, achievements.

      This system will work by champion and will bring a history of marks and personal records that the player achieves with the specific champion.

      All About League of Legends' New

      Just as Sony assigns "achievements" to every game on the Playstation, the system will be similar. For example, champion Shen will need to ult and stun shortly thereafter a certain number of times to complete the achievement. Each achievement raises your Eternal and will reflect an additional effect on the mastery emote when reaching five marks in the enabled Eternal. In the video below, the first visible tag in the mastery emote is displayed.

      Up to five bars when maxing out all your champion's Eternal achievements.

      Your Eternals information will also be available in the player profile and individually per champion in the champion collection. Each objective achieved is also displayed during the match, in the right corner of the screen.

      The biggest controversy of this system is that unlike the common and current mastery system, the Eternals are paid, that is, they will only be able to complete and show their achievements who buy certain Eternals for the chosen champion. Purchases of these Eternals will be individual per champion costing 850 RP (Riot Points) each, with each champion linked to an Eternal.

      The Eternals are represented by "statues", each carrying a meaning.

      "We wanted to create different visual representations for the types of achievements that could be displayed on the Rift. To do this, we explored the idea of ​​satisfying the ancient gods of Runeterra that would respond to your achievements, allowing us to create multiple types of Eternals, each representing different pillars of game mechanics.", according to a note from Riot Games.

      All About League of Legends' New

      In Vigia
      - Control champions in fights using CG
      - Motto: "I decide how you play"
      - Example champions: Nunu, Sejuani

      All About League of Legends' New

      The protector
      - Mitigation of CG / damage with shields, prevention or tanking.
      - Motto: "Not today!"
      - Examples of Champions: Braum, Shen

      All About League of Legends' New

      the empress
      - Superior micro/macro mechanics; perfect plays or decisions.
      - Motto: "Who thinks better, plays better."
      - Examples of Champions: Fiora, Ezreal

      All About League of Legends' New

      - Assistance to the team in setting up plays and staying in the fight
      - Motto: "CATCH THE LANTERN!"
      - Examples of Champions: Soraka, Sona

      All About League of Legends' New

      O Warrior
      - Threat in the most brutal and direct way possible.
      - Motto: "Drop in!"
      - Examples of Champions: Mordekaiser, Darius

      All About League of Legends' New

      the cheater
      -Manipulative and treacherous mind games
      -Lemma: "/ all?"
      -Champion Examples: Shaco, Teemo

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      More Eternals are already being prepared and this system will be released in patch 9.17, and should enter the PBE (test server) by tomorrow.

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