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    Alloy is coming: Guerrilla Games has full focus on Horizon Forbidden West

    Alloy is coming: Guerrilla Games has full focus on Horizon Forbidden West

    Horizon Zero Dawn was a huge hit PlayStation exclusive. The game, which nowadays can also be seen on PC, conquered many fans of Sony's console and became the exclusive favorite of many players. Alloy's journey is highly praised to this day, being considered one of the great games of the eighth generation of consoles.

    In 2020, during the PlayStation 5 special reveal event, Horizon Forbidden West was announced to the complete delight of fans. The title, which will also come to PlayStation 4, will likely show the full potential of Sony's new console. The reveal was made with an impressive trailer, showing off beautiful graphics and a great level of detail. Now, the developer's focus will be on the upcoming game.

    The most anticipated games of 2021

    Full focus on Forbidden West

    Forbidden West is one of the big games that will be released this year, so Guerrilla Games has already announced that it is completely focused on the new part of Alloy's journey. The developer informed in the latest PC update that the first game will have less frequent updates from now on, as the developers are working on the new title. Forbidden West has obviously been in the works for some time now, but information indicates that the development team will pay even more attention to the project now. Check out what was said by Guerrilla on their official website.

    "As our team continues development of our upcoming title Horizon Forbidden West, we are moving to less frequent updates of Horizon Zero Dawn Complete Edition for PC after this patch. Please note that we will continue to monitor our community spaces as usual!"

    Guerrilla Games also took the opportunity to thank players for their support and help in detecting and reporting issues.

    "We want to thank you all for your continued support and for submitting your crash reports over the past few months. The information we received through your reports was invaluable in investigating further and helping to fix some of the more complicated issues we fixed in Patch 1.10 ."

    Horizon Forbidden West does not yet have an exact release date.

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