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    As long as video games promote violence, they will not be part of the Olympics

      It seems that it is not so soon that esports will be an Olympic sport, especially if it depends on the president of the International Olympic Committee, Thomas Bach. He again commented on this possibility, and the answer is not very flexible.

      Bach had already made similar criticisms last year, when asked if esports could enter the Olympic program. But this time, at the Asian Games, an event with the aim of showing how esports would work in an Olympics, he once again commented that it is not a possibility for video games to become mobility as long as they promote violence and discrimination.

      As long as video games promote violence, they will not be part of the Olympics

      Medalists at the Pro Evolution Soccer 2018 demo event at the 2018 Asian Games. (Photo: Yifan Ding/Getty Images)

      The event featured six e-sports, which were in the demo program: Arena of Valor, Clash Royale, Hearthstone, League of Legends, Pro Evolution Soccer 2018 and StarCraft 2. The result was gold for Japan, which won in PES 2018 , as well as China, which took gold in two events.

      However, this is not enough for Bach, who expressed his opinion: "The so-called killer games. They, from our point of view, are contradictory to the Olympic values ​​and therefore cannot be accepted."

      An interesting fact was recalled by an Associated Press reporter, who asked Bach about a gold medal he won at the 1976 Olympics in fencing, whose sport is a fight between opponents using swords. Soon, Bach argued that there are no comparisons between fencing and violent competition.

      "Of course, every combat sport has its origins in a real fight between people. But sport is the civilized expression of it. If you have e-games where it's about killing somebody, that can't be aligned with our values." Olympians."

      Finally, the chairman ended with a promise that he will put the matter on the agenda for the next Committee meeting, which will take place in December.

      Fonte: Polygon

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