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    Avalanche Studios canceled an alternate reality title from the 50s

    Avalanche Studios canceled an alternate reality title from the 50s

    Avalanche Studios, a developer known for insane and frantic games, has already delivered interesting titles to gamers and established its name in the market. The company has already developed titles published by giants such as Square Enix and Bethesda Softworks, but one of its projects was never released.

    the game canceled

    According to Mikael Saker, a writer who participated in a former Avalanche project, the developer was making a game that featured an alternate reality from the 50s. In an interview with Wassup Conversations, the writer stated that the project "was crazy", besides telling that it was an amazing game set in London. Check out Mikael Saker's words about the game that was never released.

    "We were working on this amazing open world game set in an alternate reality version of the 1950s. It was crazy! We had a huge version of London that looked spectacular. We didn't have skyscrapers, but we had, like inverted heights, so the city it grew down to the ground. You could fly zip lines, blimps, planes and jump into these really, really deep holes in the middle of the city. So it was visually and world-building spectacular and had some really great game ideas."

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    Although the writer was excited about what was being done, the project was obviously not finished. Mikael Saker did not say how long the title was in development, but revealed that it was about two years away from being ready.

    With what was said by the writer, we can believe that the title would be mind-blowing and full of insane moments in the same style as Just Cause, a series of games developed by Avalanche and distributed by Square Enix.

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