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    Battlefield 2042 has AI bots announced (1 vs 127 could be reality)

    Battlefield 2042 has AI bots announced (1 vs 127 could be reality)

    It was recently announced by EA that Battlefield 2042 will have bots with artificial intelligence (AI) to maintain the number of players during matches at times when there are not many users online. The information came through Electronic Arts' "answers" page, where there were updates on the content that had been revealed about Battlefield.

    In Battlefield 2042 multiplayer, AI bots will be used for the purpose of ensuring that matches are fully filled, no matter what region you are in. That is, players will be able to enter at any time and day of the week and there will always be a way to start a match.

    In addition to being able to play matches with the certainty that you will have enough participants, players will also be able to use AI bots in cooperative mode. In this way, it will be possible to form a group of friends and start a match against a team of bots to practice.

    There will also be the option, according to EA, to start solo matches against 127 bots to train skills.

    Bots are not new to shooting games

    AI soldiers are nothing new in FPS (first-person shooter) games. An example of this is the Call of Duty franchise that for years has used bots in proven games to make matches. In addition, there is also Fortnite, where bots are used to enable matches and reach the maximum number of players.

    Launch and availability

    Battlefield 2042 will be released on June 13, 2021 for PS4, PS4, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S and PC platforms. Check out the latest trailer for the game released this past weekend during E3 2021 below:

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