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    Battlefield 6 has leaked images before the official announcement

    This weekend, alleged images of Battlefield 6 were leaked. The information came through the VGC website, where scenes of large storms, a rocket, helicopters, beaches, among other elements were shown.

    The person responsible for discovering the new images was influencer Tom Henderson, who has published several pieces of information about Battlefield 6 in recent months, where some of them were even reinforced by journalists. Tom says:

    "I won't [retweet] or share for obvious reasons... But yes, the 2 #BATTLEFIELD images that leaked in the last hour are real"

    I'm not going to RT or share for obvious reasons... But yes, the 2 #BATTLEFIELD images that have been leaked in the past hour are real.

    — Tom Henderson (@_Tom_Henderson_) May 1, 2021

    Check out the images mentioned by Tom below:

    Battlefield 6 has leaked images before the official announcement

    Alleged leaked Battlefield 6 image. Source: Sian (Twitter)

    Battlefield 6 has leaked images before the official announcement

    Alleged leaked Battlefield 6 image. Source: Sian (Twitter)
    Tsunamis and tornadoes: Battlefield 6 may have natural disasters!

    In early April, Tom even shared these same scenes shown now and comments that they are based on a trailer scheduled to be revealed at the launch of the new Battlefield. He says:

    "I'm not sure why the leaker decided to capture the exact same photos (although the heli photo is a few frames off), but the screenshots were most likely captured via zoom or something like that - which explains the low quality"

    I'm not sure why the leaker has decided to capture the exact same shots (although the heli shot is a few frames out) but the screen grabs where likely captured via zoom or something like that - Which explains the low quality.

    We're not long away now :)

    — Tom Henderson (@_Tom_Henderson_) May 1, 2021

    At the beginning of last week Tom even published a video on YouTube where he says that the reveal trailer for Battlefield 6 will be presented on a map of a deserted island.

    "The beginning of the trailer starts with a beautiful sunny blue sky and ends in a dark, rainy mess"

    Tom says the scenery changes with a "storm/tornado".

    DICE manager also revealed some information about the new Battlefield

    Last month, DICE General Manager Oskar Gabrielson said:

    "I can say it's a bold move. It has everything we love about Battlefield - and takes it to the next level. Epic scale. All-out military warfare. Crazy, unexpected moments. Revolutionary destruction. Massive battles, packed with more players and mayhem. than ever before. All brought to life with the power of next-gen consoles and PCs. Get ready for our 'coming soon' reveal."

    Oskar also said on this same occasion that a Battlefield mobile game is also being developed and is expected to be released in 2022.

    What did you think of the news revealed about Battlefield 6? Comment below and share your opinion with us!

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