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    Best Free Games for Apple Computers macOS

    Many users are wary when they hear about a free game for the operating system MacOS. That's because "free" doesn't always mean free. Microtransactions are increasingly destroying otherwise great games, forcing you to pay to access more of the game, or worse, for gear and characters that actually give you an in-game advantage. That's why we've decided to focus on games that are 100% free for you to play on your MacBook or iMac.

    Best free games for macOS

    Here we have put together this updated list of the best free games for macOS.


    Fortnite: Battle Royale is Fortnite's free PvP mode. You and 99 other players are thrown onto a giant map, where you must find weapons, shields, and resources to stay alive and remain the last player (or squad) standing. With the variety of weapon types and shelter options available, Fortnite: Battle Royale accommodates virtually every survival strategy.

    You can't just hide and wait for your opponents to die, as the play area shrinks over time, forcing you to engage in combat rather than finding some remote area to camp. And that competition can be brutal. 

    There are in-app purchases, but in short, everyone has access to the full game for free, and is not at a disadvantage.


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    2. Starcraft 2

    Developed by Blizzard, the Starcraft 2 is a real-time strategy game that needs no praise. Updating the critically acclaimed Starcraft, Starcraft 2 features the most intense, fast-paced gameplay you've ever seen in a real-time strategy game. And to top it off, the game continues the infamous war between the three races from the original game: Protoss, Terran, or Zerg.

    Starcraft 2 once cost $59,99, but now that the game offers an extremely generous free-to-play version you should try it out. The free-to-play version of Starcraft 2 gives you the full Wings of Liberty campaign, ranked and unranked multiplayer, and all available co-op commanders.

    And if you want even more from Starcraft 2, you can pay to unlock more single-player campaigns, special skins, new co-op commanders, and more, but only if you want to.


    3. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

    Best Free Games for Apple Computers macOS

    Counter-Strike practically gave birth to the competitive FPS scene. Currently, Counter-Strike has managed to evolve without ceasing to be a success. In 2012, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive was released, and it expanded on the team-based gameplay that it pioneered 19 years earlier. O CS: GO introduced new maps, characters, weapons and updated versions of classic CS content. Enough to once again become one of the most played games on Steam.

    CS:GO is still praised for its extremely accurate and solid mechanics, but now that the game is free to play and includes Danger Zone, a new Battle Royale mode. CS: GO is a great option for anyone who is a fan of shooting games.


    4. The Lord of the Rings Online

    Best Free Games for Apple Computers macOS

    There are so many good F2P MMOs out there that it can be hard to figure out where to start. If you're in that situation, why not start your adventure in the incredible with The Lord of the Rings Online (Lord of the Rings online)?

    Developed by Turbine, The Lord of the Rings Online follows the story of the books and movies, and gives free access to almost everything the game has to offer. The only differences with the paid version are the two character spaces (as opposed to five), the fact that you can't send money through the game's system, and the lack of "destination points". But these minor limitations are easy to overlook, considering The Lord of the Rings Online is one of the highest quality MMOs available.

    The Lord of the Rings Online isn't just for fans of Tolkien's work, it's for anyone who loves the classic MMO formula (like World of Warcraft), and prefers not having to pay for it. The fun you can have with this game without paying a dime is outrageous, making it one of the best free Mac games available.


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    Best Free Games for Apple Computers macOS

    There aren't many companies that can offer high quality free games like Valve, but certainly Blizzard can too. Hearthstone is a digital collectible card game based on the popular Warcraft universe. If you don't like card games then don't skip it yet as this game is widely praised by gamers regardless of their previous feelings towards the genre.

    Hearthstone It's much simpler than you might think. In each match, you draw three or four cards (depending on who comes first) from your custom deck of 30 cards. There are different types of cards (weapons, spells and minions), but the objective is clear: try to kill your opponent before he does the same to you.

    Hearthstone is a great game - free or paid. It's easy for new players to jump in, but it offers enough depth to keep you hooked. It also benefits from frequent free expansions to update available cards, and its light system requirements make it one of the best free games that you can easily play on your older MacBook or iMac.


    These were the top 5 free games for Apple's PC platform. Do you know any other titles worthy of this list? Leave a comment with your suggestion!

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