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    By 2021, 90% of games sold will be downloadable

      According to a study recently released by the European institute Idate DigiWorld, digital sales of electronic games will grow significantly in the coming years. Therefore, the expectation is that, by 2021, 93% of the games sold will be through downloads, and not through physical media.

      By 2021, 90% of games sold will be downloadable

      Digital games will be total preference

      The survey also mentions the growth of the games market in general. The Institute says that the electronic games industry will move about 48,1 billion euros, which is equivalent to R$ 180,4 billion in direct conversion, until the end of this year.

      The number, in the next four years, is expected to reach 73,1 billion euros, which represents around R$ 274,2 billion. According to the study, in the console games market alone, the movement is expected to be 12,2 billion euros (R$ 45,7 billion) by 2021.

      Computer game sales are expected to reach R$74,6 billion in 2021, if Idate is right. Mobile games should move up to R$84 billion over the next four years.

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