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    Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019) - Game of the Week - PC

    Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019) - Game of the Week - PC

    Today is a holiday, but our tips can't stop! After all, we can't skip the PC players' turn, can we? In keeping with our desire to provide varied tips for fans of all genres, over the past few weeks we've recommended Football Manager 2021 and Age of Empires 3: Definitive Edition. Therefore, we brought an excellent tip for simulator fans and football fans, as well as the recommendation for real-time strategy fans was at the same time.

    Today, we're going to keep varying. Our tip is more electrifying and puts players in the crossfire... bringing a series that has conquered a legion of fans and is already marked in the history of the industry, our indication today is Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019).

    Using an extremely successful name in the war franchise, the new Modern Warfare appeared in 2019 with the presence of the iconic Captain Price. By carrying such an important title, the game was obviously in charge of delivering a satisfying result that honors the legacy of previous releases. I believe that the game has taken this great responsibility well, as what I saw was an interesting title for old and new players.


    We all know that, normally, the focus of an FPS like Call of Duty is not its campaign, but its multiplayer. However, we also know that over the years players have already received many interesting and exciting campaigns, full of the franchise's own characteristics and lots of action.

    In my view, the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare campaign has its positives. There is an obvious choice to show different elements, trying to show opposing sides of a conflict. The campaign of this game really seems to try to go to a more "gray" side. It's not perfect, because at a certain point we again see forced heroism for those who are always the good guys in history, but I believe there has been an evolution at this point. But the demonization of the Russians is unfortunately still a bit too far-fetched.

    Captain Price is back!

    Although Modern Warfare has problems in its plot, the campaign, with the return of Captain Price, is capable of delivering exciting moments of action, entertaining its players.

    Gameplay and other qualities

    Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is one of the franchise titles with the most enjoyable gameplay. The gunplay is very well executed, delivering a sense of realism and fun.

    In addition, speaking of realism, there are several other elements that make the game very interesting, with its combats appearing in an exciting and mind-blowing way on the screen.

    The game delivers a lot of realism and great graphics.

    The game has an impressive look, full of details and textures that draw attention. In addition, the sound of the title should also be valued, being something that further increases realism and raises the level of experience.


    Speaking of Call of Duty, multiplayer is obviously very important. There are many players looking for the title just for the online matches, without having a greater interest in its campaign. For these players, I must say that the result is satisfactory.

    The multiplayer has quality!

    Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is a title that brings back the multiplayer fun of the franchise. With the famous killstreaks and other famous features of the series, I feel this multiplayer is the best we've had in years. The fact that the game is not set in the future is something that helps, as there are no skills that escape reality and other things like that.

    With many maps and game modes, fans can choose how they prefer to fight. The frenetic action can be faced according to your choice.

    An excellent Call of Duty

    Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019) is an excellent title in the franchise. The game can certainly please old fans, as well as it should prove interesting to new players.

    If you are a fan of the franchise or an admirer of FPS games, take advantage of our tip and check out Modern Warfare!

    Get the game from this link.

    Yesterday we brought a tip for Nintendo Switch players! Check it out in the article below.

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