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    Call of Duty: Modern Warfare becomes the most played franchise title in the last 6 years

      Call of Duty: Modern Warfare becomes the most played franchise title in the last 6 years

      Call of Duty: Modern Warfare publisher Activision recently announced that their game has set new records, surpassing all previous titles of this console generation. The game surpassed its predecessors in the franchise by hours played by a user and average daily players, earning the achievement of being the most played edition of Call of Duty on consoles in the last 6 years.

      In addition to breaking records, Modern Warfare has already generated more than $1 billion in sales worldwide. Executive Vice President and General Manager of Call of Duty at Activision Byron Beede says:

      "Modern Warfare®'s growth rate has been incredible since day one. Players are having a great time and are continuing to engage through the multiplayer experience at the highest level. It's great to see the fan response to the hard work from our development teams led by Infinity Ward. Players are having fun, and there's even more to come as we continue to add new content."

      Call of Duty: Modern Warfare revolves around tactical-based choices, where the player will be evaluated and given a score at the end of each level. The player will have to quickly observe whether the NPCs (non-playable characters) in the scenario are enemies or not, such as finding a civilian in the middle of a war. The quoted score will be based on how many citizens the player injures or kills.

      Check out the trailer for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare below:

      What do you think of the evolution of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare on consoles? Comment below and share your opinion with us.

      Source: Activision

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