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    Call of Duty: Warzone has over 30 million players in less than two weeks

      Call of Duty: Warzone has over 30 million players in less than two weeks

      Call of Duty: Warzone, Activision's new battle royale game released less than two weeks ago, has reached the milestone of more than 30 million players, the publisher announced this Friday, March 20.

      This makes Call of Duty: Warzone one of the fastest growing free-to-play titles in this segment, comparing it to competitor Apex Legends, which hit 25 million players after its first week in February 2019.

      We can indicate some factors for this sudden increase in players. Some say that this growth was due to the coronavirus pandemic that is causing people to stay at home. This is definitely a point that should not be overlooked.

      However, the new battle royale arrived pleasing everyone. Who plays, indicates, is fact. I'm playing it myself and I've already disturbed some friends to install the game and assemble a team for the matches.

      » See the requirements to run Call of Duty Modern Warefare on PC.

      Over 30 million of you have dropped in to play #Warzone. Thank you to this amazing community .

      Jump in and play for free now. #FreeCallofDuty

      — Call of Duty (@CallofDuty) March 20, 2020

      Days ago they released the solo mode and, contrary to what I mentioned above, it seems that those who were not in the mood to test the game, ended up entering only the solo mode available now. There are definitely a lot of people who enjoy playing battle royale in solo mode.

      However, I can say that team play is frenetic from start to finish, mainly due to the fact that it only takes one player standing to bring the partners back into the game, so the action doesn't stop. The solo mode, on the other hand, sometimes becomes stopped, because as players know they can't count on the help of another player, so the game becomes more strategic, cautious. But that's nothing new, it's almost standard procedure in single-player battle royale.

      But for Activision and Infinity Ward, the increase in the number of players was also due to the fact that Warzone has a free download, even if you don't have Call of Duty: Modern Warfare you can play.

      Warzone has all the items that a battle royale has, reduction of the playing area, which pushes players closer and closer to each other, various weapons and accessories that can be purchased within matches in random parts of the map and lots of action from the beginning to end of matches.

      Are there differences? Yea! The number of players is greater, in total there are 150 solo players, or 50 teams with 3 players each. In addition to the feature already mentioned, available to all teams, which is to bring back to the game partners already killed, in addition to the possibility of collecting money during the game and buying new items and weapons.

      Anyway, given the significant number of players currently in Call of Duty: Warzone, everything indicates that very soon we will have even more people testing the game and favoring the game. What's more, the differences brought by CoD Warzone seem to have pleased everyone.

      And you, are you already playing CoD Warzone? If you're interested, first of all, set aside about 100GB on your PC to install the game. You can download it from this link.

      See our first GamePlay of the game:

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