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    Call of Duty Warzone Mobile has been confirmed by Activision

    It was discovered this weekend that Activision is developing a mobile version of Call of Duty Warzone. The information came through the website charlieintel, where it is said that the company posted a message on the social network Linkedin with a list of positions aimed at developing mobile applications.

    In the quoted message from Linkedin it seems to confirm that Call of Duty Warzone will get a smartphone version and it is already in development. Activision says:

    "Activision Mobile has created new roles! Teams are focused on live operations and content expansion in CoD Mobile and Warzone."

    The game developer also says there are openings for "dedicated mobile development teams that are comprised of all major areas" (including production, engineering, art, design and marketing). Check out a screenshot of the post below:

    Call of Duty Warzone Mobile has been confirmed by Activision

    Actvision post on Linkedin. Source: Linkedin
    John Rambo in Call of Duty: Warzone? It may happen!

    This isn't the first time Activision has mentioned Call of Duty Warzone for mobile devices

    At the end of last year, Activision even published a list of positions where there was a vacancy for "Executive Producer, Mobile", where it was said that the person would work to bring the "features of Warzone" to smartphones and tablets.

    The function mentioned above said that the person responsible for this work would have the task of "harvesting, adapting and delivering essential resources from the console and PC versions in the best way for the mobile platform".

    In March 2021, Activision even did a survey on Call of Duty Mobile, where there were references that Warzone and Verdansk would come to mobile games.

    Launch and availability

    As of press time, Call of Duty Warzone Mobile has yet to be officially announced by Activison.

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