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    Castlevania: Symphony of the Night Launches for Smartphones

      The game that was once one of the fevers of the gaming world is now available both for cell phones that use the Android system and for iOS devices. The game is a classic 2D PlayStation style and no doubt many fans will be very happy to see one of their favorite games on their Smartphones.

      When it comes to iOS devices, any device using iOS 9.0 or newer will run the game, this includes iPhone 5S onwards. When it comes to Android, the list can be quite extensive, but we confirm that the OnePlus 5T supports the game and you can purchase it directly from the PlayStore.

      Castlevania: Symphony of the Night Launches for Smartphones

      Game print directly from PlayStore

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      In any of the devices, the price is the same for the Spanish territory: R$10,90. Considering that there is a lot of work done on top of a game and it has to be completely remodeled for compatibility with new devices and resolutions, we don't consider it a high price.

      The game was initially released in Japan on March 20, 1997, while in North America on October 2, and in Europe on November 1, all in the same year. Its original developer is the same as the one that was released for mobile devices, namely Konami. You may know it for other titles that the company has developed and that have become extremely famous in Tupiniquin lands, as is the case of the series of soccer games Pro Evolution Soccer - or PES for the most intimate - which had its last appearance in 2019, last year.

      If you want, I leave the game link on the PlayStore below. If you want to find it on the AppStore, search for "Symphony of the Night" and it will appear right away.

      • Castlevania: Symphony of the Night na PlayStore
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