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    Check out a little art from the new game from The Last Guardian studio

    Check out a little art from the new game from The Last Guardian studio

    The Last Guardian was divided upon its release, with many players declaring themselves satisfied while others were somewhat disappointed after a long wait. The fact is that the game was certainly one of the most talked about and anticipated releases of the PlayStation 4, making it a very important title in the eighth generation of consoles.

    Now, genDesign, producer of The Last Guardian, has decided to give an "aperitif" to its players, revealing a small image of its next project that is still unknown. On its official website, the company wished the fans a happy new year, but decided to do so in an exciting and provocative way, we can say. GenDesing published an image that displays the four numerals of 2021, with each one featuring an artwork from a title from the developer. While 2, 0 and 1 showcase artwork by Ico, Shadow of the Colossus and The Last Guardian respectively, 1 showcases a game not yet known to the public.

    As you can see in the image, a character is leaning on something big that could be a rock. It is possible to notice that there is water around and that the character seems to be wearing a cape or some kind of loose clothing.

    The image reveals virtually nothing of the new title, but it's enough for fans to get excited and even start creating theories about what's to come.

    Unlike The Last Guardian, the new game is not expected to be a PlayStation exclusive, as Epic Games revealed in March 2020 that it would begin publishing genDesing games.

    The most anticipated games of 2021

    won't be an indie

    According to Fumito Ueda, director of genDesing, the studio's next game will not be an indie title. Some time ago, the director stated, in a conversation with Famitsu, that this is a project that should gain a large scale in the same way as the previous three, but that it is no sequel.

    "We're working on the core parts first, and from there we'll do that into a stable product. That's our challenge this time."

    The director hinted that there was not yet a large team involved in the project, but that this would soon change if the initial development achieved the expected result.

    "If large-scale development becomes interesting for us, then I think we will significantly expand the new development system and bring it to a large-scale creative team."

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