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    Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time will be released on October 2nd

    In less than four months we will see the arrival of the first Crash Bandicoot sequel since 1998. The new title in the series, called Bandicoot 4: It's About Time, will be released for the Playstation 4 and Xbox One platforms on October 2nd. Your story will pick up right where Crash Bandicoot: Warped left off.

    Announcing Crash Bandicoot 4: It’s About Time. A sequel to the original trilogy, coming to PS4 October 2:

    - PlayStation (@PlayStation) June 22, 2020

    At the end of Warpedi's story, the villains Neo Cortex, Dr. N Tropy and Uka Uka are stranded on a distant planet. After 20 years, the trio finally manages to escape through a hole in the fabric of space-time. The only ones who can prevent total domination of the multiverse are Crash and his sister Coco.

    To help Crash and Coco, there will be new masks called Quantum Masks. The space-time guardians will lend their powers to the heroes in order for them to save the world from its end. So far, the developer has revealed only two masks: the Time Mask, which slows down time, and the Gravity Mask, which changes the laws of gravity for the wearer.

    Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time will be released on October 2nd

    Crash utilizando a Gravity Mask. Fonte: Playstation

    According to the trailer for the new Crash game, fans of the series can expect a mix of classic gameplay and scenarios in the style of the original trilogy. The characters run towards the camera, they run away from the camera. In addition, we will have many bonus levels, new playable characters and more.

    Looking forward to seeing the sequel to Crash and his companions? Comment below and share your opinion with us!

    About Crash Bandicoot

    Developed by the studio Naughty Dog, Crash Bandicoot was originally released in 1996 and published by Sony for the Playstation 1 platform. A year later, in 1997, came its sequel called Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back. Soon after, we had the "end" of the trilogy, with the release of Crash Bandicoot: Warped in 1998.

    Crash Bandicoot games usually take place on Wumpa Islands, an archipelago in southern Australia, where the story has mutated humans and animals. The main character of the franchise is called Crash, who frequently has his routine interrupted by Doctor Neo Cortex, responsible for the genetic modification of Crash, as he considers him a failed experiment. The objective of the game is to defeat Neo and thwart his plans to dominate the world.

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