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    Cyberpunk 2077 for PS4 will be playable on PS5 once it's released

      Cyberpunk 2077 for PS4 will be playable on PS5 once it's released

      According to the developers of Cyberpunk 2077 at CD Projekt Red, the PS4 version of the game will be playable on the Playstation 5 as soon as the game is released. The information was revealed yesterday during an investor call, in addition to an announcement by CD Projekt in February saying it would support Microsoft's Smart Delivery initiative for Xbox, showing that the same will happen between the Xbox One and Xbox Series X.

      Developers said this platform migration will not mean there won't be a later update to a version of Cyberpunk 2077 made to run on next-gen consoles. However, players will still have access to this PS5 and Xbox Series X optimized version of the game for free.

      We are happy to confirm that Cyberpunk 2077 will be backwards compatible with both next-gen consoles! Your PS4 copy of the game will work on PS5 on launch day. Anyone who buys the game on Xbox One will be able to play their copy on Xbox Series X when the console launches too!

      - Cyberpunk 2077 (@CyberpunkGame) June 19, 2020

      CD Projekt executive Michał Nowakowski says:

      "I can confirm that this is not the final update. At some point, we will have a more robust update for the next generation, which we plan to provide for free to anyone who buys the PS4 or Xbox One version. generation starting November 19th when the game launches, and it will look better than the current one from that point on."

      When the studio was asked when the "appropriate" version would come for the next generation of consoles, CD Projekt Red said it couldn't confirm if this edition would arrive next year (2021). In addition, due to the postponement of the release of Cyberpunk 2077 to November 19, the company said that expansions to the game's single-player and multiplayer mode will be in the more distant future.

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