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    Cyberpunk 2077 weekend: New update and possible lawsuit

    Cyberpunk 2077 weekend: New update and possible lawsuit

    The first weeks of Cyberpunk 2077 continue to be troubled, with severe criticism, several refunds requested and a list of problems and controversies that grows more and more. The weekend brought hope for a fix for many issues, but also worrying information for the developers of the futuristic title.

    New update promises several improvements

    CD Projekt Red continues to strive to get around the situation and make the game turn around, perhaps becoming what players expected, or at least something close to it. With this intention, the Polish developer released update 1.05 for consoles and PC.

    The hotfix is ​​now available on all platforms, promising to fix several bugs that have been reported by players, such as problems in missions, errors that affect gameplay, interface flaws and also visual errors. The update also seeks to improve the game's performance and resolution, two of the main reasons for recent criticism.

    The main focus of the new hotfix is ​​to fix the title on consoles, which are where Cyberpunk 2077 has the most problems, but there are still improvements for PC. Technical glitches such as the bug that caused the settings to reset themselves to default have also been fixed.

    Several bugs in quests should also no longer occur with update 1.05. For example, the developer claims that Jackie will no longer disappear in The Pickup and The Heist quests. Numerous issues in the missions were making the title unplayable for many, including directly hindering, or even preventing, save progression. Now, players can expect the update to change this.

    In this link, you can check the official note with all the corrections.

    Cyberpunk 2077 is removed from the PS Store and Sony will refund players

    Cyberpunk 2077 could be the target of a lawsuit

    Everything seems to go from bad to worse for CD Projekt Red, as the biggest launch in its history causes results completely opposite to what was expected. Now, according to a report in The New York Times, lawyers and investors are considering taking legal action against CD Projekt Red, alleging that the developer used misinformation to receive financial benefits.

    It is worth remembering that the company did not allow critics to play the console version before launch, making only the PC version available for the first reviews, so many fans have stated that CD Projekt Red presented a final product that did not match the reality. By some players, the developer is even accused of trying to deceive the public.

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