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    Death Stranding PC release delayed to July 14

    Death Stranding PC release delayed to July 14

    Today, it was announced by Kojima Productions that the PC port of Death Stranding will be delayed. Initially, the game was scheduled to debut on June 2 on digital game distribution platforms Epic Games Store and Steam. However, due to the forced labor of employees in their homes as a result of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreaks, the studio decided to delay the release of the title to the platform.

    According to Kojima Productions, the current demand for Home Office work from its employees, coupled with the temporary closure of the studio's office, ended up delaying the release of Death Strading for PC. Check out the post made on the social network Twitter with the announcement from the game developers below:

    "Following the temporary closure of KOJIMA PRODUCTIONS, we've had to delay the PC release of DEATH STRANDING to July 14, 2020 to allow for more development time amid current work-from-home orders. Thank you all for your patience and continued support !"

    Following the temporary closure of KOJIMA PRODUCTIONS, we have had to delay the PC launch of DEATH STRANDING to July 14, 2020, to allow more development time amidst the current work-from-home orders in place. Thank you all for your patience and continued support!#keeponkeepingon

    - KOJIMA PRODUCTIONS (Eng) (@ KojiPro2015_EN) April 21, 2020

    Death Stranding has won several awards since its release on Playstation 4, such as Game Developers Choice, DICE and BAFTA. Even with the prizes, it is worth emphasizing (from my own experience with the title): it is a highly recommended game, which brings many emotions, surprises and challenges, but requires a little patience and wisdom to contemplate what the game wants to show (check it out) the Death Stranding review here).

    Official Death Stranding Merchandise Store

    Yes, there is an official store dedicated to Death Stranding products, where there are items such as, for example, a special edition Apple Watch, a Bridges cap, t-shirts of different models, brooches, key chains, cell phone cases, outerwear and the necklace. Qpid It's worth checking out if you're a Death Stranding fan. Access the site here and check out the wide variety of products based on this game that won so many awards.

    Death Stranding was released on November 8 of last year and initially arrived as an exclusive for the Playstation 4 console.

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