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    Deja vu! Watch the new Deathloop gameplay trailer

    Deja vu! Watch the new Deathloop gameplay trailer

    At the State of Play that took place this Thursday (25), the game Deathloop, developed by Arkane Studios and published by Bethesda, received a new trailer that shows more of its mechanics and features.

    Called Deja Vu, including the song of the same name, the trailer shows the conflict between Colt, the game's protagonist, and Visionaries of Blackreef, which aims to keep him in the time loop.

    As players listen to Sencit's song, featuring FJØRA, the video shows Colt searching for "Ramblin" Frank Spicer, a radio host who is also one of the Visionaries. The character's objective is to assassinate his target.

    Check out the new trailer.

    The video also highlighted the skills of Colt and Juliana, another major character in the title.

    As you can see in the trailer, the abilities of disguise, invisibility and telekinetic powers can be used, even allowing you to lift people off the ground and throw them away.

    Deathloop will be released on May 25th for PlayStation 5 and PC.

    Know the exclusive time of Deathloop and Project Athia on PlayStation 5

    Movies and themes that inspired the game

    Revealing a little more about the creation of Deathloop and its world, Sebastien Mitton, the game's art director, spoke about the films and themes that served as inspiration for the project. John Carpenter, legendary name of cinema, was quoted. In addition, productions such as The Warriors, The Thing and 007: Operation Skyfall were mentioned by the art director.

    Check the list.

    • 007: Operation Skyfall (Sam Mendes - 2012) - Grand decoration and the Scottish highlands
    • Under the Volcano (John Huston - 1984) - A soul tortured during the Day of the Dead in Mexico
    • The Thing (John Carpenter - 1982) - Isolation, adverse weather conditions, survival
    • Escape from New York (John Carpenter - 1981) - Anti-hero struggling to escape
    • The Warriors (Walter Hill - 1979) - Hunter and hunted
    • The Wicker Man (Robin Hardy - 1973) - A murder puzzle on a Scottish island
    • Point Blank (John Boorman - 1967) - An empty and barren world theater of revenge
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