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    Destiny 2: Bungie will remove racist symbol from the game

      Bungie is working to remove a legendary item from Destiny 2, whose images refer to symbols reminiscent of white supremacy.

      According to the Waypoint website, the armor of the then-legendary, dubbed the Road Complex AA1 gauntlets, has an alpha reminiscent of the "KEK" logo found on the national flag of Kekistan, whose symbol was used to represent the movement.

      Confirmation of the symbol's removal came from the studio who confirmed via Twitter the removal "We were warned that the Destiny 2 armband has elements of hate symbols. It was not our intention. We are removing it."

      Bungie said, "We don't collaborate with any kind of hate or prejudice" and apologized for what happened, stressing that it will remove the item as soon as possible.

      Check out in the images below the symbol of the armor and the flag.

      Destiny 2: Bungie will remove racist symbol from the game

      armor image

      Destiny 2: Bungie will remove racist symbol from the game

      flag symbol
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