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    Developed by Mundfish, Atomic Heart gets a new trailer and promises to be big!

    Developed by the Mundfish studio, Atomic Heart, won a small trailer about two years ago that resembled the game BioShock, even being called, at the time, "Soviet BioSchock". The title has shown us very interesting features.

    However, despite good expectations, the game remained away from the media for a long time, and unfortunately there has been no further disclosure since the teaser quoted above. It was not known the progress of the title's development, much less when it would be released.

    Atomic Heart has gameplay revealed by IGN

    To the delight of players who were interested in the new game developed by Mundfish, a gameplay of the game was recently revealed by IGN. In the video you can see good graphics and chaotic combats against bizarre machines. Play the trailer below:

    Apparently, the main character, who is controlled by the player, has some interesting items. In certain scenes of the teaser we can see the player attracting the hammer after the object has been thrown. There was also the presence of some creatures in the game world, where there are both inorganic (robots) and organic enemies (a kind of tree with movements shown at the end of the video).

    Developed by Mundfish, Atomic Heart gets a new trailer and promises to be big!

    Scene from the trailer where a hammer is attracted to the player. Source: IGN (YouTube)

    With what can be seen so far, the game seems to promise a lot. But unfortunately, there is still no information about release dates. The only thing that is known is that the title will have a presence on the SteamVR and PSVR platforms, which were announced in the year 2017 during a trailer for the game.

    Stay tuned for more news! Don't forget to comment below and share your opinion with us!

    Fonte: IGN (YouTube), PCGamer

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