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    Developers working on next-gen consoles say the PS5 is "superior" in many ways

    Over the past week, there has been a lot of talk about Sony's PS5 specs compared to Microsoft's Xbox Series X. Looking at the numbers alone, the new Windows developer console looks clearly superior, more powerful. Utilizing a higher clocked custom Zen 2 architecture CPU with 44% more compute units (52 versus 36), it does indeed seem above its Japanese competitor.

    Despite what was said above, when seeing the presentation of the Playstation 5 architect, Mark Cerny, one of the assets that Sony could show was its ultra fast and customized SSD, which can really be a game changer. However, it seems that the company seems to have made a mistake, more specifically from a marketing point of view. You are probably wondering why it would be a demo error for the Japanese game developer's new console, given that it presented the specifications right after Microsoft, but don't worry, the reason will be explained here.

    Several game studios claim the Playstation 5 is superior in many ways

    Although Usman, a person familiar with AMD architectures and responsible for the hardware team, has made an in-depth analysis and has stated that the actual number of TFLOPs of the PS5 (which is already lower than that of the Xbox Series X) could be even more low in reality due to the boost system involved along with downclocking for times when video gaming is not required, what game developers are reporting is the opposite with regards to the gaming experience. According to the latest Kotaku Splitscreen podcast (episode 222), by Jason Schreier, whose sources of information are generally reliable and of good quality, several game studios said that the Playstation 5 would be superior to the Microsoft console in several ways.

    Developers working on next-gen consoles say the PS5 is

    Splitscreen podcast from the Kotaku website by Jason Schreier. Source: stitcher

    Check out what was said on the podcast about the PS5 vs Xbox Series X battle below:

    "Now everyone is looking at this spec sheet and they see 10,2 TFLOPs for the PS5 and 12 TFLOPs for the Xbox Series, but in the meantime, the people I've been talking to over the last few months, over the last few years, who are working with the PlayStation 5 , everyone unanimously said, 'This thing is a beast, it's one of those coolest pieces of hardware we've ever seen or used before, there are so many things here that are revolutionary'.

    The general consensus is that these things are extremely powerful and very similar in many ways, they both do different things in really cool ways. Both are extremely impressive pieces of technology. But because of the way Sony actually presented and marketed this, now the narrative is that the Xbox Series X is much more powerful than the PS5. And I think this is a perhaps fatal flaw of Sony for this console generation. It might be overlooked if the PS5 comes in cheaper or if it has a killer launch line app, but for the moment it's a drop in the bucket after so many years of smart decisions by Sony.

    What I'm hearing from people who are actually working on these things, working on the metal, is that the Xbox Series X isn't significantly more powerful than the PS5, despite that number of teraflops.

    Sony has lost the ball and there will be weeks and weeks, if not months and months, especially with the Coronavirus messing everything up, from people talking about how the Xbox Series X is the most powerful console and is beating the PS5 in every game. Meanwhile, I get texts and DMs (direct messages), even these days, from developers saying 'That's a shame, the PS5 is so superior in all these other ways that they can't really message now or can't talk. now '. I've heard from at least three different people in the last two hours since Cerny's conversation said, 'The PS5 is actually the most superior hardware in a lot of different ways, despite what you see on these paper spec sheets.' And again, yes, there's plenty of room to talk about that, for all these companies to continue to message and show games. But I think Sony really left the ball so far from what we saw."

    That said, we mere gamers will only have one thing to do, wait until the truth is fully revealed and the consoles are released. Only then, through testing, will we know that the developers were really right in their claims about the experience of video game fans in games or not. But one thing is for sure, the studios live on it and at least they have a certain sense of what their audience likes.

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    FPS and teraflops is not everything to have a good gaming experience

    We cannot forget that the purpose of consoles is not to have FPS or teraflops, but to have an unparalleled gaming experience. See the Nintendo Switch being successful, even with considerably weaker hardware than its competitors.

    What's your take on the console war? Comment below and share your opinion with us. Be sure to read our review of the Playstation 5 specs here.

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