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    Differences between playing on a console and on a PC Gamer

    A long-standing controversy among gamers is: "is it better to play on a PC Gamer or a console?". Although consoles in the current market, such as the XBOX One and PS4 have certainly evolved a lot, PC Gamers are often the preference of the most experienced (and demanding) gamers. The reasons behind this choice are many, and to understand why this preference exists, it's helpful to recognize the key differences between games on the two systems. This can help you determine if a PC Gamer will be worth your while.

    Check out the main differences you will experience between the two gaming systems.

    in-game accuracy

    The main difference between playing on a PC Gamer and on a console is the way you can control the gameplay. From a first-person shooter to a racing game, using a gaming PC allows you to control everything in a much more precise way. This is partly because you can choose how you want to control games. Instead of being stuck with the controller that came with your game console, you can choose whether or not you want to use a mouse and keyboard, or some other controller you've purchased.

    In-game control on a PC is much more customizable, which can change the entire PC gaming experience, which can be tailored to your own personal preferences.

    graphics quality

    If you invest in the right graphics card and the perfect high-quality monitor setup, you can outperform a console with your PC Gamer. Although it depends a lot on your PC hardware, with the right knowledge, you can create a PC Gamer that allows you to enjoy superior graphics while gaming.

    Differences between playing on a console and on a PC Gamer


    Not only is the superior graphics quality enjoyable for your visual gaming experience, but it can also help you to notice important details, which improve your gaming skills. Also, a console can't be upgraded in the same way as a PC Gamer, which means there's no way to improve the quality of graphics you see with new pieces of hardware.


    Technology is always evolving, but once you buy a game console, you're stuck with the same technology without being able to improve the parts. This can cause a game console to quickly become obsolete, leading to a new purchase in the near future.

    On the other hand, in a PC Gamer, as technology advances, just replace parts as needed. This allows you to keep the system constantly improving. It is not only a money saving benefit, but it is also better for the environment as the disposal of technological waste is much less.

    game options

    Another big difference you'll see between a console and PC Gamer is the number of games available, as well as the cost of those games. With consoles, you are limited to games that were created specifically for your system. This aspect also makes the prices of the games remain high, even after a long time after the launch of the title.

    On the other hand, when you use a PC Gamer, you have a much wider range of games. There are many games that are available for PC long before they hit the console market or, in some cases, games that never make it to Xbox and Playstation. You may also find lower prices as you shop at an open market rather than a proprietary store like the Microsoft store.

    About us

    Another difference when choosing a PC Gamer over a console is that you won't have to make as many subscriptions. For example, to play multiplayer on one console, you need to purchase a subscription. This is usually a relatively low cost, but over time, that money could have been invested in something better.

    With a PC Gamer you can play multiplayer without a subscription, which means more money in your pocket to upgrade your PC, or to buy new games.

    How to create a gaming pc 

    While this may sound biased, the fact is that the gaming experience is superior when you compare a high-end gaming PC to a console, regardless of whether it's Xbox, Playstation or Nintendo Switch. However, the key to enjoying these benefits is investing in a premium PC designed for gaming. Your old notebook or desktop won't work.

    Differences between playing on a console and on a PC Gamer

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    A PC with simpler hardware will not be able to produce the high quality gaming experience. If you don't have the money to invest in a powerful gaming PC, then it's better to opt for a console. However, with the right investment, you can have the best gaming experience today. 

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