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    Discover PS5 accessories: camera, charging station, headphones and remote control

      Discover PS5 accessories: camera, charging station, headphones and remote control

      Last week, Sony officially revealed the appearance of the Playstation 5. However, the company did not stop there and also announced several accessories for its next generation console. Although the details are still not much about the devices developed to be used in conjunction with the new Japanese video game, some details have been given about the function of each of them. Check it out below!

      The new HD webcam developed for the Playstation 5 has two lenses capable of transmitting in Full HD (1080p). It will allow players to stream their footage while they play, making it easier for amateur streamers to live stream on PS5. The PS4 even had a similar accessory for the same purpose and evidently Sony didn't want to leave it without hardware and design upgrades.

      HD camera developed for Playstation 5. Source: Playstation

      The Pulse 3D wireless headset will replace the Playstation Gold. It will support 3D audio, which is new to the PS5, and two microphones for active noise canceling (ANC) technology.

      Although Sony's built-in microphone headphones seem to be interesting, headphones of this type usually don't have good quality in both game audio and microphone, and generally don't like it cheap. The best option is to use the PS5's DualSense controller's headphone output and use the microphone built into it. This way you will spend less and have a higher quality.

      To better understand about wireless headphones, visit this article.

      It is not yet known if there will be any way to use wired microphones in conjunction with headphones if the user wants to use a solution with even higher quality than the one mentioned above.

      Pulse 3D headset developed for Playstation 5. Source: Playstation

      The media remote was an interesting addition for those who don't have a Sony TV, which is able to communicate with the brand's console. It has a built-in microphone to receive voice commands in addition to four unmarked unmarked buttons at the bottom, where you can probably customize them with some custom function to the user's taste.

      Media remote control developed for Playstation 5. Source: Playstation

      Finally, we also had a charging station developed by Sony. It will be able to charge up to two DualSense controllers at the same time. Apparently, surprisingly, the device does not seem to use a USB-C port that is on the top of the controller, but the connection located below, next to the 3,5mm headphone jack.

      The charging device designed to recharge PS5 controller batteries has the same colors as the console. Although the charging station is interesting, it is common for several third-party companies to develop their own to sell to users of Sony consoles. That is, it is interesting to wait a while for these options to be launched, as they usually allow up to 4 controls to be loaded at the same time.

      Controls charging station developed for Playstation 5. Source: Playstation

      Unfortunately, values ​​for any of the accessories have not yet been announced (not even for the video game itself). It is likely that the set (console and accessories) will be on sale at the launch of the Playstation 5. Stay tuned for more details about the gadgets and their values ​​for sale separately.

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