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    E3 2019: Gears of War 5 unveils new trailer and will arrive on September 10

    Microsoft and The Coalition have revealed the release date of one of their most anticipated games: Gears of War 5. The third-person action title, also known as Gears 5, is coming to Xbox One and Windows PC on September 10th.

    The trailer shows Escape, a new co-op mode. It will have a special version that will allow, through Game Pass, to access four days before the official launch. The new trailer released at the conference features the song by singer Billie Eilish.


    Jogabilidade de Gears of War 5

    Firstly, the title allows us to choose some of the three available characters, each with different abilities, as seen in the trailer. Lahni , Keegane Mac are the available characters, with actions and with different passives. For example, Lahni, who has a knife capable of electrocuting and stunning enemies, something that works very well against a giant you find in the final stretch of the map. Keegan's special ability is being able to reload ammo for the team in a specific area. Finally, the Mac and the ability to generate a shield for a limited time.

    E3 2019: Gears of War 5 unveils new trailer and will arrive on September 10

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    They all manage to gain experience and equip a series of skill cards. All this in the previous beginning with the game, trying to make a balanced team, because the presence of a tank like the Mac and someone who could give ammo seems almost necessary, taking into account the particularities of the mode.

    The game starts with a sort of moving horde mode. Waves of different enemies arrive, but the objective is to end up escaping a fairly wide area, with several roads and alternative places. Feelings with the recoil of certain weapons are very different from previous deliveries. There are also differences in damage when shooting enemies in different areas, something that was unusual in the series.

    As you advance through the stage, some enemies of various types appear. The first is a type of robot, not very powerful, which is followed by fourth edition swarm variants. There is no clear path to follow, and exploration to find ammo - scarce - and new weapons can lead to tricky situations, because surprise enemies appear.

    E3 2019: Gears of War 5 unveils new trailer and will arrive on September 10

    cooperation this way is vital, due to the size of the areas, being necessary to attack in several fronts at 360 degrees. When an enemy knocks you down, companions can get up as usual, but if you are killed, your companions will have to rescue you from inside an egg, as if you were a silkworm. And without other players it is more difficult to advance in the hordes that are in the final stretch.

    The final three stages of this escape mode showed the best of the experience

    • The first is a reformer giant with an imposing weapon and a body that absorbed a lot of bullets while hitting hard.
    • the second is a whirlwind of leeches that fly at full speed across the stage, and hit you in a thousand ways while other enemies keep shooting. 
    • And the third and last, the vanishing Point where a huge mechanical door slowly closes, while enemies appear that pursue the player in this closed space, from which there is no escape, in addition to little ammo. In the end, if you make it out alive, you complete the game.

    By beating levels, you raise the difficulty level of enemies and make the experience much harder to beat, but you get more rewards. Another of the great elements to take into account in the game is that there will be a map creator, so that users can share them with others. All this, by the way, runs on 4K and 60 frames per second.

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    The great challenge The Coalition

    Gears of War 5 is the next installment in the iconic franchise of action third-person Gears of War for PC and Xbox One. with the help of The Coalition, the protagonist of this adventure plays with countless alien waves Kait, betting on returning to the series' roots and showing a new and risky graphic and artistic style. Furthermore, this will be the first Gears of War game that adopts a structure similar to that of the open world.

    One of the promises of Rod Ferguson, head of the company, is that this fifth installment will be the most important cogs in the franchise, and will focus on providing a step forward in the narrative, having the playable frame with weight changes.

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