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    Electronic Arts confirms acquisition of Respawn studio

      Electronic Arts confirms acquisition of Respawn studio

      On Thursday (09) Electronics Arts announced that it has concluded the negotiation of the purchase of the Respawn Entertainment studio. Currently, the studio is responsible for the games in the Titanfall franchise, already published by EA. The company also subjectively communicated the production of a new Titanfall game.

      According to a statement posted on Publisher's website, the company notes that the acquisition is the result of a successful publishing partnership between Respawn and EA. In addition, it also reported that new projects are already underway, such as a game in the Star Wars universe, a virtual reality game for the Oculus Rift accessory and a new game in the Titanfall series.

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      EA CEO Andrew Wilson said "We've seen firsthand the caliber of Respawn as a development studio with incredible vision, deep talent and inspiring creative direction. Our long-standing partnership is founded on a shared desire to deliver innovative experiences. and extraordinary things to gamers. Together, we brought the Titanfall franchise to life, and now with the Respawn team joining EA, we have plans to achieve even more amazing things in the future."

      Vince Zampella, CEO of Respawn Entertainment, said, "We started Respawn with the goal of creating a studio with some of the best talent in the industry, and to be one of the leading developers of innovative games. We felt now was the time to join an industry leader who can bring the resources and support we need to achieve long-term success while maintaining our culture and creative freedom. EA has been a great partner over the years with Titanfall and Titanfall 2, and we are excited to combine our forces."

      On Respawn's website, Zampella assured that at the studio "there will be no layoffs or organizational changes and that the games that are in development continue as planned."

      In addition, EA said it will pay $151 million in cash for the acquisition of Respawn Entertainment and $164 million in long-term capital in the form of employee restricted stock, which will be acquired over four years. years old.

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