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    Epic Games paid $10,5 million to Control creators for exclusivity

      A number of game developers have moved to release their games on the Epic Games Store, but initially the platform brought bad looks on account of its contracts with developers to get exclusivity on certain games. The game developer and distributor not only maintains its own games, but also attracts game developers by giving subsidy to them in exchange for providing the game only for its game store. The company's collection, since its inception, has been increasing more and more, reaching a level of achieving the exclusivity of famous games such as, for example, the game Walking Dead: The Final Season and The Division 2.

      Following this same line, according to a financial report from Digital Bros (via the gamedaily website), an agreement between Epic Games and the studio Remedy Entertainment was revealed, showing the amount invested by the game publisher to obtain the exclusivity of the game Control. Publisher 505 Games and studio Remedy managed to strike a deal with Epic for $10,49 million, where 45% was given to 505 and 55 to Remedy. Within the agreement there is also the promise of exclusivity for the game Journey to the Savage Planet, which will be released early next year.

      This investment by Epic Games in the studio will also serve for other future game releases, thus helping to maintain the quality of game production. This upfront payment from the game publisher is helping independent game developers such as the creator of Hades (Supergiant Games) Ooblets (Gumberland).

      Epic Games paid $10,5 million to Control creators for exclusivity

      Game Control. Source: wccftech

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      Ben Wasser, designer of the Ooblets game said that:

      The start-up money they're providing means we'll be able to pay more help and resources to start ramping up production and doing some cool stuff.

      What do you think about this "sponsorship" from the Epic Games Store? Share your opinion, comment below!

      Fonte: Kotaku

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