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    Epic Games Store is officially integrated into the GOG Galaxy 2.0 platform

      Epic Games Store is officially integrated into the GOG Galaxy 2.0 platform

      How many game platform icons are on your taskbar currently? There are many options for online digital game stores, such as Windows Store, Uplay, Steam, Origin, Epic Games Store, Rockstar and Bethesda. To reduce this large amount of programs, GOG Galaxy 2.0 is trying to unify all libraries on a single platform.

      Until recently, the only store that was officially integrated into the GOG Galaxy 2.0 platform was Xbox Live, but the Epic Games Store also joins the service. This shows that the store continues to grow and seek to integrate resources and now users will be able to use Epic games without needing the company's program installed on the PC. Epic Games Store General Manager Steve Allison says:

      "We're excited to integrate the Epic Games Store into GOG GALAXY 2.0. It's an important step in breaking down barriers between PC stores, as it allows a unified experience for players to manage their PC game library regardless of where their games were purchased. "

      Tim Sweeney, CEO and founder of Epic Games, also commented on the matter on his Twitter account saying:

      Ultimately, ownership of digital items should be a universal notion, independent of stores and platforms. So much of the digital world today is frustrated by powerful intermediaries whose toll booths obstruct open commerce to keep customers and their purchases locked in.

      — Tim Sweeney (@TimSweeneyEpic) July 20, 2020

      Although Epic Games has made several exclusive deals for various titles for its game store, the company still collaborates with the distribution of free games weekly, contributing to the increase of options for players to have fun at no cost.

      Anyway, this is an interesting time to test the GOG Galaxy 2.0 platform if you don't already have it. Enjoy and comment below what you think of the company's initiative to unify all services in a single place.

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