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    Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout has a trophy that requires 5 consecutive wins

      Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout has a trophy that requires 5 consecutive wins

      Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout has demonic trophies, but one in particular is magnificent. It's one thing to win the first few battles and earn some trophies, it's another to win "five episodes in a row" to earn the "foolproof" trophy, which has a 0,1% completion rate.

      During an AMA (Ask Me Anything or Ask Anything) on ​​Reddit with the developers, it was said about a trophy that is "so insanely hard I don't think anyone has ever unlocked it". Now, it was recently posted on the game's official Twitter account saying:

      "Whenever someone says "5 consecutive wins is too much for the platinum trophy", we increase the number of wins by 1."

      Every time someone says "5 wins in a row are too much for the platinum trophy" we increase the number of wins by 1

      — Fall Guys ???? (@FallGuysGame) August 3, 2020

      It's actually very difficult to get the feat necessary to get the very rare trophy, even playing for hours. However, at least it is somehow good to know that almost no one must have achieved (let alone no one) this feat. That being said, here are the challenges you need to complete with wins in a row and earn the flawless victory trophy:

      • Face First: Qualify in a race despite crashing more than 10 times
      • Big Tease: Perform an emote before arriving first in a race round
      • Fall Bae: Share a Hug with a Fall Guy
      • Big Air: One-hour clock in total time dropping
      • Style Points: Drop for at least three seconds before landing on your head
      • Troublemaker: Find three people while rolling on the floor before getting up
      • Drop accelerator: reach terminal speed

      What did you think of this insane challenge proposed by the developers of Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout? Comment below and share your opinion with us!

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