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    Far Cry 6 Review - The tastiest "beans and rice" in the franchise

    Far Cry 6 茅 Far Cry. A somewhat obvious definition, but perfect for the occasion. Before, no game in the series was "as Far Cry" as this one, with all the possible praise being fitted into this statement - just to be clear! -.

    More of the same seems inevitable these days, with many titles following the path of innovating a little and delivering what we already know. The big point here is that Far Cry 6 knows how to use this guise of more of the same, offering the most robust and well-written journey in the franchise.

    If Far Cry found its way in the third game, with the iconic Vaas Montenegro, it is in this new title that the name delivers its formula more complete than ever, stumbling a little here and there, but definitely achieving the best it can offer players.

    Far Cry 6 Review - The tastiest

    Dani Rojas stars in a fun and explosive journey.

    The war in Yara

    Far Cry 6 is set in Yara, a fictional island that Ubisoft swears up against has no direct relationship with Cuba - but remembers a lot -. In Yara, we have an extremely violent and fascist dictatorial regime, led by Anton Castillo, President. Played by Giancarlo Esposito, Castillo is the great name of Far Cry 6, since the franchise has its villains as one of the most positive and interesting points.

    Although Daniel Rojas, who can be a woman or a man, whether a good - or good - main character, including being the first in Far Cry to have a face and appear in scenes in the game, it is Anton Castillo who stands out with Esposito's excellent performance.

    Far Cry 6 Review - The tastiest

    Ant贸n Castillo is an excellent villain.

    Castillo rules Yara as a tyrannical and fascist dictator, doing whatever it takes to stay in power, which includes massacring innocent people without any show of guilt. Being the son of a former ruler of the island, Castillo was elected by the people with the promise of making Yara prosper, ensuring that wealth would come to the people. Keeping your promises on Viviro, a substance capable of cure cancer, the dictator came to power with the intention of making Yara a power, exporting Viviro to the world and enriching himself with it.

    The big problem is that Castle obviously not the savior he appears to be. El Presidente produces his Viviro with slave labor, while massacring anyone who is against his authoritarian ideas. In this scenario, the protagonist Dani Rojas comes up with a salvation for Yara by joining with the Freedom, the resistance that plans to remove the tyrant from power.

    Beautiful Hello from Libertad

    After becoming a Libertad guerrilla, Dani Rojas quickly becomes Yara's "chosen one" to unite the people against tyranny. It is at this moment that we see the how much Far Cry 6 follows more of the same, featuring the same footprint as previous titles in the franchise. Not that it's a problem, in the end this "beans with rice" is one of those extremely tasty.

    Clara, the leader of Libertad, asks Dani Rojas to recruit key allies scattered across Yara, with each of them in completely different areas. In these regions, there are also targets that must be shot down in order to defeat Castillo's tyranny. Since these three regions, the player is free to start wherever they want, as well as progressing through the three however they want.

    It is worth mentioning that each of the targets of the three regions has its own bow, linked directly to the allies Dani encounters on the journey. With this being the main mission structure, the player needs to carry out missions for and with these allies with the intention of earning their trust, taking down the big target of each region and then having new friends in Libertad.

    Far Cry 6 Review - The tastiest

    Far Cry 6 is explosive!

    For some players the title can be a little repetitive at certain times, but it seems to be in Far Cry 6 the game that Ubisoft got the most right at this point. Its repetition is very well "camouflaged" between missions that are easily the best in the franchise, a lot of quick and pleasant objectives due to the great gameplay, and a lot of freedom in the action. In addition, the journey is also guided by plots specific to each region/allies accompanied by unique characteristics, which make the war for freedom present different plot situations.

    Among well-known objectives such as invading locations, blowing up/burning equipment, eliminating enemies, in addition to everything we've seen in the franchise, Far Cry 6 knows how to be more of the same in a satisfying way. Secondary "spices" that we already know how to like like hunting, control points and others, also return offering more content for a game that delivers in the best possible way everything we have in the saga.

    In a mind-blowing journey that involves explosions, planes, burning crops, invading places full of enemies, piloting a battle tank of an old legend and many other situations of pure action, Far Cry 6 proves to be extremely dynamic as it is the most ambitious game in the franchise.

    Far Cry 6 Review - The tastiest

    The action delivers a lot of fun.

    Armed to the Teeth

    Dani Rojas can arm herself to the teeth, as well as having very useful allies on her journey. The title features a large arsenal that includes machine guns, shotguns, pistols, rifles and even special weapons that are called "gambiarra".

    This is also an interesting point, as the player can vary between their equipment and choose different approaches. In addition to the pistol you can choose from three main equipment in your weapon wheel, which does not hold the player down since at any point in the game it is possible to access the menu and choose any other weapon from your inventory to be among the options in combat.

    Far Cry 6 Review - The tastiest

    Dani has great "toys".

    It is pleasant to choose which weapons to use and to feel that each one can do a lot of damage in its own way., just as it is fun to customize your equipment with special bullets and other types of improvements that are very effective during combat. In addition, not satisfied with weapons, Dani can count on a "partner" during her journey, with this little friend being a small and charismatic puppy or even larger and more violent animals. Partners prove to be extremely useful during gameplay, offering great help in combat depending on who you are with.

    Far Cry 6 Review - The tastiest

    The mates are great companions!

    The best plot in the franchise

    Ant贸n Castillo has all the presence a villain needs to have, being extremely imposing and very well played by Giancarlo Esposito. It's true that we've seen well-written villains in the franchise before, but this is also one of the improved points in Far Cry 6.

    The construction of the villain and the way his personality is presented to the player are above what was previously shown, with a very interesting pace in the development of the relationship between Castillo and his son Diego, the boy who must assume his father's throne.

    Far Cry 6 Review - The tastiest

    Far Cry 6's characters are well written.

    With each scene of El Presidente, Far Cry 6 reaffirms the strength of its antagonist, while those moments also say a lot about Diego. Fortunately, the quality in the way the characters are written doesn't stop at Castillo alone, with Far Cry 6 being the franchise game that delivers the best secondary faces we've ever seen.

    In Yara, the player knows several names with their own stories and ambitions, with the title exploring the possibilities of different generations to deliver immersive plots and moments. The "one-woman/one-man army" narrative occurs satisfactorily, with Dani Rojas being the most human protagonist in the franchise, while, although the character "does it all by herself", the plot seems to go out of its way to show that a war is not won by a guerrilla alone.

    The verdict

    Far Cry 6 is more Far Cry than any other, in the best sense of the statement. offering to best version of Ubisoft's formula, the game knows how to amuse the player.

    It is also in this title that we see the most robust and best-written plot of the franchise, with a very well-constructed villain. Ubisoft did not innovate, but used "their weapons" leaving a clear message: The French giant knows very well how to play with what it has.

    Note: 8.5 / 10


    • very fun
    • Best storyline in the franchise
    • excellent villain
    • Know how to use your own structure


    • I could innovate a little more
    • Can be a little repetitive

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