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    FIFA 22 Ultimate Team: Complete overhaul - See all news

    FIFA 22 Ultimate Team: Complete overhaul - See all news

    EA Sports the news that the FIFA 22 will bring in Ultimate Team, your most successful mode. FIFA's "gold mine" has gone through a complete makeover, thus having many new features to show players.

    With several changes, both in the Rivals Division how much in FUT champions, the new FIFA will make players have to adapt to a new Ultimate Team. One of the main changes is the decrease in Weekend League matches, causing players to have to perform 20 matches on each weekend.

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    Ultimate Team FIFA 22 News

    What's New in Division Rivals

    Seasonal Division Rivals

    Abandoning the format adopted in FIFA 19, the new game in the franchise will deliver a Seasonal Division Rivals, setting aside the weekly style that players already know.

    From now on, the mode will follow a pattern similar to that of other games that have seasons, such as Fortnite, Rainbow Six and more. With the intention of making progression more transparent and offering consistent rewards for the performance of each player, EA will make Division Rivals track the game's active season.

    seasonal season

    New FUT season system.

    Division Rivals will be a seasonal competition during the seasons about the game. Each season will last approx. six weeks.

    With the milestones of the season, it will be possible earn additional rewards just playing matches in Division Rivals. At this point, the result it won't be important, just playing the games to progress.

    Players will be able to earn up to three milestone rewards based on the division they finish the season in. At the start of each new season, the game will reset progression to a lower division for all players.

    All in Division 10

    Unlike previous games, FIFA 22 will not have the MD5 matches to set each player's division in Division Rivals. In this new franchise game, all players will start their journey in division 10, struggling to climb through the title ranking system.

    New division (elite)

    FIFA 22 will feature a division above 1, which in previous titles was the maximum division that could be reached by players.

    Being above the first division, the division Elite will have one own system of classification. This division was created to separate casual players from those with a higher level.

    "The Elite Division is where the best FUT players in the world can compete. Progression in the Elite Division switches to a Skill Ranking system, which players may be familiar with in FUT 21"

    EA will place players in the Elite division based on skill score, with the top 200 on the global leaderboard. Once the player reaches this division, he will stay there until the end of the season.

    New ways to balance progression and rewards

    Now each division will have new steps and elements to balance the progression as well as the rewards offered. You rankings will reflect players' progress within a division, while getting the best weekly rewards. already the Work experience placements will be separate steps between each classification.

    Division Rivals will still have checkpoints that will serve to prevent the player from losing his progress, thus keeping him at an appropriate skill level.

    Progression with wins

    Division Rivals will also introduce changes to the way players progress with each win, despite having a system similar to what players are already familiar with. According to EA Sports, the result of each game played will influence the progression of players, however without the points of previous FIFA.

    Ao win a match, the player will advance one stage. losing a game, the player will drop a stage if he doesn't have a checkpoint. O tie keeps the player in the same place.

    Winning two games in a row the player will notice a burning icon, which means additional progress during their good run. The more victories the player achieves, the more additional progress will be received. The extra reward ends after a defeat or draw.

    Progress in divisions.

    Division Rivals Rewards

    At the end of each week, players will receive rewards according to the number of matches they play. venceram no Division Rivals. The higher the player's division and rank, the better the weekly rewards.

    FIFA will now offer the common rewards and the possibility to upgrade them by winning more matches in new weeks.

    What's New in FUT Champions

    More accessible, less overall compromise

    FIFA 22 will feature a new FUT Champions format, with the developers wanting to make the competition more accessible to all players.

    Now, there will be Play-Offs and the Finals, with players being able to progress even with defeat in a new system.

    "Our goal with FUT Champions this year is to improve accessibility and reduce the overall commitment required to participate, with fewer games per week"

    how to rank

    To qualify for the FUT Champions, you will still need to play matches from Rivals Division in the quest to get the points needed. After reaching the required score, the player will automatically enter the Play-Offs and will be able to play them when ready.

    Os Play-Offs

    Play-Offs do FUT Champions.

    As the first phase of FUT Champions, Play-Offs will be open throughout the season, allowing players to progress in a limited number of matches.

    Playing at your own time, it will be possible earn points to qualify for the next stage, as well as rewards. When reaching the required points, the player can redeem the sort token for the FUT Champions Finals. If you fail to rank, you will be able to replay Play-Offs after seeking rank again in Division Rivals.

    FUT Champions Finals

    The Finals will take place during the weekends, with players needing to perform 20 matches between Friday and Monday. With a change to the ranking system, it will now be possible for players to decide when and how they want to play in FUT Champions.


    FIFA 22 will have split awards between the Play-Offs and the FUT Champions Finals. Receiving rewards in Play-Offs, the player will be able to make them even better during the Finals.

    Also, now will no longer be necessary wait until Thursday to receive the rewards. They will be available once the player has finished all their games.

    FUT Champions Finals Rewards.

    Other news

    EA Sports also prepared other changes for Ultimate Team.

    Check out.

    • A new way to view card statistics.
    • More customization options for stadiums and fans.
    • More detailed search for uniforms and shields.
    • History of wins, draws and losses can only be seen in the Stadium tab.
    • Relocated Squad Building Challenges with a shortcut on the main page.
    • It will now be possible to see the reaction of your players when they concede a goal, without having to see the opponent's celebration.

    All about FIFA 22

    Want to know everything about FIFA 22? Then check out the article below!

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