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    FIFA 22 - Update weakens goalkeepers, changes defense and more

    FIFA 22 - Update weakens goalkeepers, changes defense and more

    A FIFA 22 first update arrived bringing changes in the goalkeepers of the newest title of the football franchise, making them "weaker". Available for all platforms, the update has balanced the goalkeepers, who were showing a somewhat "forced" performance on the part of the players.

    The big change is in the bidding"face to face", in which the goalkeepers leave the goal to muffle the opponent's kick. It will still be possible to see great defenses, but now the possibility of the ball going in will be greater.

    However, for some specific bids the goalkeepers were snorted, with new animations that allow for more real and more chances to defend on placed shots.

    "We've added goalie and goalkeeper animations that can occur when the goalie is trying to defend a high placed shot. This change is intended to provide more authentic looking goalie and goalkeeper reactions and slightly increases the effectiveness of goalkeepers and goalkeepers defending this one. kind of kick."

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    First FIFA 22 update

    In addition to modifying the goalkeepers in some moves, Electronic Arts also brought other news to the title with the new update. The defense also has changes, with defenders being more responsive on counterattacks, with highlights for shots after corners.

    The progress display in Division Rivals has been improved, as well as other interface elements are also improved. In Ultimate Team, Electronic Arts has also made improvements, with these being linked with rare players in packs. Now, with athletes walking more slowly, the animations when getting a prominent player will be better, something that was requested by fans of the most famous mode of the title.

    Other improvements have also arrived in the game, such as fixing errors in pre-set tactics, uniform problems and other details.

    Check out all changes update at this link.

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