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    Former PlayStation boss speaks critically about Game Pass and PS Now

    Former PlayStation boss speaks critically about Game Pass and PS Now

    Shawn Layden, former head of PlayStation, commented on o Xbox Game Pass and the PS Now in a critical tone, stating that he believes that the service model is not something easy to maintain.

    In an interview with, Layden was not shy about saying that a subscription service US$ 9,99 per month with games costing millions is not an idea he likes.

    Shawn Layden talks subscription services

    Although Xbox Game Pass is constantly growing and has become a hit, while PlayStation relies on the not-so-hyped PS Now, Shawn Layden showed Do not be a big fan of services like these.

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    Layden stated that it is necessary to get 500 million of subscribers to recover their investment in the service, also saying that with just 250 million of consoles you won't be able to reach half a million subscriptions.

    "It's very difficult to launch a $120 million game on a subscription service charging $9,99 a month. If you set, you need to have 500 million subscribers before you can start recouping your investment. That's why now you You need to take a loss leadership position to try to grow that base. But still, if you only have 250 million consoles, you're not going to get to half a billion subscribers. So how do you circle that square?

    Shawn Layden further stated that the ideal business model for streaming services has not yet been created. The former head of PlayStation believes that the need for a decent internet connection it's a problem.

    "People don't buy consoles because they want more steel and plastic in the living room. People buy consoles because they want access to content. If you can find a way to get content into people's homes without a box, then yes, actually." Everyone has a streaming solution in some form. Most are limited by the fact that you need a decent internet connection. And they still haven't built the business model that works for it."

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