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    Fortnite is removed from the Google Play Store, understand why

      Fortnite is removed from the Google Play Store, understand why

      Recently Epic Games decided to file a lawsuit against Google. The reason for the lawsuit was antitrust violations, alleging that Google's payment restrictions on the Play Store formed a monopoly and consequently ended up violating Sherman and California's Cartwright laws. The action came just hours after Fortnite was pulled from the Play Store (Google's app store) and the App Store (Apple's app store on iOS).

      Epic Games' accusations against Apple and Google are for the same reason: a monopoly over the distribution of mobile software and control over the in-app payment system. However, in the case of Google, Epic Games is specifically concerned about the large distribution role that the Play Store plays, in addition to the app store's requirement that developers accept Play Store billing for any purchases in their apps.

      This accusation against Google is more difficult to argue, as Google, responsible for the Android operating system, controls its software flexibly compared to Apple with iOS. There are examples that Google is not as inflexible as installing third-party app stores on its mobile operating system, such as the Epic Games app. (On Android it is also possible to install third-party apps without the involvement of an app store).

      The mobile app of the Fortnite game was available for many years for Android by downloading the software from the outside (without using the Play Store), but in April of this year the game arrived on the Play Store. In the Epic Games lawsuit, it is accused that the Play Store would be making the store the only viable distribution method for applications developed for Android.

      Google responded to The Verge about the case saying that Fortnite was removed from the Play Store due to violation of pre-established rules that the company already had. It was said that:

      "For game developers who choose to use the Play Store, we have consistent policies that are fair to developers and keep the store safe for users," said a representative. "While Fortnite remains available on Android, we are no longer able to make it available on Play because it violates our policies. However, we welcome the opportunity to continue our discussions with Epic and bring Fortnite back to Google Play."

      Who do you think is within your rights? Epic Games or Google? Comment below and share your opinion with us!

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