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    Fortnite: SypherPK exposes bug used by professionals and Epic Games ignores

    Fortnite: SypherPK exposes bug used by professionals and Epic Games ignores

    Mistakes in games, especially competitive ones, usually don't last for a long time. This is because when a player finds out, the report spreads quickly and the game's developers try to quickly solve the problem. However, in the case of Fortnite this did not happen, as the error is being used to benefit several professional players.

    More than a month ago, player SypherPK even made a video exposing a serious error that benefits all Fortnite players. However, it seems that the bug is being ignored by the Fortnite developers. The problem is that this bug is not very well known and is being used by Pro Players to take advantage of them during matches.

    How the Weapon Bug in Fortnite Occurs

    In the posted video, SupherPK explains that the error occurs with all Fortnite weapons. During battles, there are times when it is necessary to reload them, but the time it takes for the movement to occur can be the difference between life and death, so players make use of a bug in the game where the weapon is dropped to the ground and picked up, recharging it automatically. The movement of releasing the weapon and picking it up again is considerably faster than the act of reloading it, and for this reason, several professional players have used this "trick".

    The Fortnite bug has been around for a while, but Epic Games has strangely ignored it

    This particular bug, which was mentioned above, has been around for some time and Fortnite developers are no doubt aware of it. However, what would be the reason to ignore this bizarre error? This behavior on the part of those responsible for the game seems to be deliberate. How long does Epic Games intend to ignore it?

    What did you think of this error in Fortnite and the neglect of the game's developers to solve it? Comment below and share your opinion with us.

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