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    Fortnite: Team banned from tournament after player offended Epic Games director

    Fortnite: Team banned from tournament after player offended Epic Games director

    Fortnite is one of the biggest multiplayer games today and without a doubt has already provided memorable moments for its players. The title that stands out with interesting partnerships with Disney, DC and other famous brands, has been one of the top names in the industry for some time now. However, unfortunately like any multiplayer game, Fortnite also has its controversies, as many players have unacceptable behavior.

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    Team banned from tournament

    Player "Wrigley" has his team disqualified from an official Fortnite competition after tweeting an offensive message directed at Donald Mustard, creative director at Epic Games.

    The user's post was deleted, however many users viewed it, as well as the tweet was captured by the EuroGamer website. Marking Donald Mustard's profile, the player stated that the director should "literally kill himself".

    Some time later, Wrigley's teammates received an alleged email from the tournament's organization informing them of the disqualification of the entire team. Although the offense was only carried out by Wrigley, the players "Dictate" and "Userz" also suffered the punishment.


    — dictating (@DlCTATING) March 14, 2021

    "Hello. We are writing to inform you of the disqualification and removal of your team from the Chapter 2, Season 5 FNCS competition, effective immediately. Based on an internal investigation, a member of your team has violated section 8.1.2. Official Rules."

    Tournament rules state that "players must be respectful to other players, event administrators, spectators and sponsors", so after further review, the decision was made to ban the trio from competition.

    On Twitter, Jake Lucky commented on the matter and expressed his disagreement with Epic Games' measure.

    "I wish Epic had given the uninvolved teammates a chance to find a replacement player, they miss out on a chance to win HUGE money because of something completely out of their hands."

    Userz, one of the banned players, claimed that what Wrigley did was out of the team's control. The player claims to have invested an infinite amount of playing time, alongside his friend, for the chance to change his life with the prize pool. Userz wants the tournament organization to give the team a new chance.

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