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    Game developer Plague Inc. alert about the title's correlation with the coronavirus outbreak

    The coronavirus outbreak has increasingly dominated the headlines of websites, magazines and newspapers. There are scientists in different parts of the world at the moment trying to find out what influences transmission and how it occurs in order to find some solution to stop the emergence of more cases. The situation is so serious that for security reasons the game developer Plague Inc., published a statement on its website to inform its players about the erroneous correlation of their game with the epidemic that is taking place.

    Players correlate the coronavirus with the game Plague Inc. wrongly

    The game Plague Inc. consists of giving the player the option of choosing a type of pathogen (bacteria, virus, fungi, parasites, prio, nano-virus and biological weapon) and then developing strategies to evolve the symptoms, transmit the disease and prevent the actions taken by governments and scientists are successful. The ultimate goal is the complete extermination of humans from the earth. Thinking about the whole process, there are players who are correlating the coronavirus with the title developed by the Ndemic Creations studio, thinking that the game may give clues about how the disease will spread in China and around the world.

    Game developer Plague Inc. alert about the title's correlation with the coronavirus outbreak

    Image showing screenplay from Plague Inc. Source: ndemiccreations

    However, Ndemic Creations warns that Plague Inc. it's just a game, not a scientific methodology for controlling or dispersing pathogens like the coronavirus. The developer says its intention was to create a game that was informative and realistic, without being sensational by simulating real-world outbreaks of epidemics that require a lot more knowledge than players think.

    Current situation of the coronavirus in the world

    According to the WHO report, the coronavirus currently has 2741 confirmed cases in China with 5794 suspected, 461 severe and 80 deaths. Outside China there were 37 confirmed cases in 11 countries (Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Singapore, Australia, Malaysia, Thailand, Nepal, the United States, Canada and France).

    Game developer Plague Inc. alert about the title's correlation with the coronavirus outbreak

    Coronavirus cases in the world. Source: WHO

    The need to read health websites that contain reliable and easy-to-understand information

    The developer of Plague Inc. recommends that players access websites that contain reliable health information such as the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and the WHO (World Health Organization) website. In this sense, it is interesting to mention that at the end of 2016, the Sergio Arouca seal was launched, which consists of attesting that a certain website that deals with health is considered understandable for anyone and has reliable information, and can be recommended and become a reference in information on the topic in the country. The seal was designed by Professor André Pereira Neto, coordinator of the Internet, Health and Society Laboratory (LaISS) of the National School of Public Health (ENSP/Fiocruz) located at the Owaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz) in Rio de Janeiro.

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    Source: ndemiccreation

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