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    GameClub launches monthly cross-platform service on Android

      Launched by the company of the same name, GameClub allows users to access high quality games for a small monthly subscription.

      This fee for Spain is R$9,90. GameClub also offers another advantage, its list of games continues to grow.

      Also, multiple people can play using the same GameClub service account for the same fee, so you can split the subscription.

      This seems to be the biggest benefit, as the service supports up to 12 people. So you would have, if you split the subscription, a monthly fee of less than R$1,00.

      You decide, include your family members, or invite friends to share the monthly service and play together.

      Another benefit is that GameClub is cross-platform. Which means you can play with people who play on iOS. In addition, regardless of the platform, Android or iOS, you can continue to share the subscription.

      It's not all flowers, you won't find any "AAA" games here. Nor from big studios of studios. But that doesn't mean the games aren't good. Especially since you'll have such a huge catalog that you'll need to take the time to get to know all the games you pay for with your subscription.

      GameClub launches monthly cross-platform service on Android

      GameClub currently has more than 125 games in its gallery for a monthly subscription of R$9,90, which can be shared by up to 12 people

      There are currently over 125 different games that can be played and more will be added in the future. Many of them are games that you can already access on Android. So it can be a good way to share some of your favorite games with friends and family.

      Some of the games are new to the platform. Which means that this will be one of the first people to play on Android as they are not directly inserted into Google Play.

      If you are interested in trying out GameClub, you can download the app and install it on your Android device. What's more, it even comes with a free trial so you can get to know the games.

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