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    GDC 2020 Survey Says Developers Prefer PS5 Over Xbox Series X

    GDC 2020 Survey Says Developers Prefer PS5 Over Xbox Series X

    Recently, the annual survey of the Game Developers Conference, the GCD 2020, was published. A survey was carried out with approximately 4000 developers in order to know which direction the game industry is taking, what is the current situation and how will the development of the games industry. This year will most likely be a time of major changes for consoles with new features announced such as backwards compatibility for both Sony's and Microsoft's new video games, plus more games using virtual reality and streaming video. games.

    More than half of developers believe the gaming industry will unite in the future

    One of the highlights of the survey was what developers think will happen to the gaming industry in the future. Approximately 54% of studios believe the industry should unite, however, only 21% of them believe the industry will in fact unite.

    Within the research could not miss a study on the next console generation, something that everyone expects with great anticipation. There were a total of three questions regarding the video games that will be released this year: on which platform did you develop your last project, on which platform you are developing your current project and on which platform you are developing your next project.

    Last project:

    • Xbox One—21%
    • PS4—24%
    • Nintendo Switch--12%
    • Mobile--40%
    • PC—54%

    Current project:

    • Xbox One—23%
    • Series X—9%
    • Xcloud—3%
    • PS4—25%
    • PS5—11%
    • Nintendo Switch—17%
    • Mobile—39%
    • PC—56%

    Next project:

    • Xbox One—20%
    • Series X—17%
    • Xcloud—6%
    • PS4-20%
    • PS5—23%
    • PSNow—3%
    • Nintendo Switch—19%
    • Google Stadia—8%
    • Mobile—39%
    • PC—52%

    Note: If you add the percentages together, the result will be more than 100%. This will be due to cross-platform development.

    When developers were asked which platform most appealed to them, the differences were noticeably larger: 25% for Xbox Series X and 38% for PlayStation 5, with Switch showing a remarkable 37%. PC still got the top with 50%, and Mobile, 34%.

    Analyzing the result of the studios' preferences, it is clear that the PC will continue to be a popular platform, above all others, as it has the largest installation base in the world, there are no discussions about game exclusivity as there is on the console and its releases. are more defined. However, we can't forget about smartphones, which have been one of the players' favorite devices for playing games and also have a large installation base.

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    Playstation 5 Vs Xbox Series X

    Excluding PC and smartphones, as it is only the new generation of consoles that will be presented this year, developers will show their preference for Playstation 5 compared to Xbox Series X. There is not such a big difference between those who prefer it to the other, however it must be remembered that studios will always think commercially and it is very unlikely that they will prefer a video game for affective reasons. When the developer chooses the PS5, it is because he believes he will make more money with this platform over the other.

    Because there won't be a sudden audience shift in the next generation of consoles

    It is not possible to know which console will win in the next generation, whether it will be Microsoft's or Sony's. However, according to what has been announced so far about the new features of video games, there will be a smooth transition between the current generation and the next generation like never before. This behavior that we will have will be due to the support of previous versions of games on both devices, where players will be able to keep their current game library and migrate to the next without fear of losing anything, that is, the PS4 and Xbox One will remain relevant for a long time. more time.

    Playstation 5 will keep advantage with PS4 user base

    If the Playstation 4 player base is not lost with the migration of all of them to the Playstation 5, Sony's platform game sales will remain at the top even as the next generation of consoles are commercialized.

    What did you think of the revealed information? Comment below and share your opinion with us!

    Source: Forbes

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