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    Genshin Impact 2.1 Fishing system has several details revealed

    Genshin Impact 2.1 Fishing system has several details revealed

    It is already known that miHoYo plans to implement a fishing system in the next Genshin Impact update and fans are curious about how it will work. It's interesting to see how the title from the Chinese mobile game developer has been keeping a lot of enthusiasm from gamers since the title's launch. This behavior is largely due to the attention that the studio has been giving the game in each update released.

    Genshin Impact's Update 2.0 was released almost two weeks ago and it brought some big news to the game. However, fans are already eager to know what comes next. According to the leaked information, Genshin Impact update 2.1 already has banners in addition to information about the fishing system.

    Genshin Impact 2.1 Leaks: Fishing System Details

    Genshin Impact's fishing system will be implemented in Update 2.1 which is scheduled to be made available to players on September 1st. So far, not much is known about the new feature, even though the existence of the new feature has been revealed. Earlier this week, luckily there were a number of leaks of information about the fishing system. Check it out below:

    "At the moment, there are (currently known) 20 types of fish.

    Each of these fish has an "ornamental" type and a "Non-ornamental" type. Below is a description of each of them:

    • Ornamental: These fish are caught and sent to the Serenitea Pot Inventory.
    • Non-Ornamental: These caught fish are added to the 'materials' section of the Inventory.

    In fishing, it is possible to differentiate between ornamental and non-ornamental fish (they still have the same model), as ornamental fish jump out of the water and are a little more difficult to catch.

    There are also (currently known) 5 types of bait. You can choose the bait before fishing and switch between bait while fishing. Some baits only work on certain fish.

    When fishing, if you throw the line too close to the fish, it will startle and swim away. It takes about 20-30 seconds between casting the line and actually catching the fish, but the length can vary.

    - By U Batcha

    The person responsible for the leak was leaker (person who reveals information before the official announcement) UBatcha, where he claims that there will be approximately 20 fish to hunt in the game. Each of the species has two variants, the ornamental being the most difficult to capture.

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