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    Genshin Impact 2.1: Upcoming 4-star characters and weapons revealed

    In less than a week the Genshin Impact banners will change. With this, the second and last banner of the 2.1 update will be revealed. Due to the proximity of the banners, there has already been a leak about which characters and weapons will be present.

    In recent weeks, many players have spent wishes for Raiden Shogun to come out on Electro Archon. However, it will be Kokomi's turn in the gacha.

    The title of the next character banner will be "The Resistance leader", while in the add-on we will have the weapons banner. Check out what has been leaked below about the characters and weapons that will be featured in the upcoming Genshin Impact Update 2.1 banners.

    Kokomi Banner - 4 Star Character

    If the leaks are true, in Kokomi's new banner the characters Beidou, Xingqiu and Rosaria will have their drop rate increased. Of the trio, Rosaria is the most recent character to appear on a banner. The character was revealed in update 1.6 on Kazuha's banner.

    Genshin Impact 2.1: Upcoming 4-star characters and weapons revealed

    Banner de Kokomi. Fonte: sportskeeda
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    The character Cyro can improve the thymus' CRIT rate, making her a great support. Because of this, players using Cyro support can consider spending some wishes on Kokomi's banner.

    In the case of Xingqiu and Beidou, the player can use the characters to deal damage out of the field by creating elemental attacks in conjunction with other characters' normal attacks.

    Weapon leak in new Genshin Impact Update 2.1 banner

    In addition to the Everlasting Moonglow catalyst, the Primordial Jade Cutter will likely be a 5-star weapon in the new update 2.1 banner. It is one of the best swords in Genshin Impact, with a CRIT Rate substat that can reach 44,1%. In addition, the item still manages to increase the user's HP and ATK (based on the character's maximum HP).

    Genshin Impact 2.1: Upcoming 4-star characters and weapons revealed

    Weapons banner. Source: sportskeeda
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    The Primordial Jade Cutter can be very useful for characters like Albedo and Bennett. The CRIT rate can enhance Albedo's elemental abilities considerably, even when he's out of bounds. Also, due to the passive ability of the item, Bennet will have an improvement of his healing abilities, in addition to his ATK buffs for the team.

    List of new 4-star weapons from the new Genshin Impact 2.1 banners

    In addition to the 5-star weapon, the 4-star weapons that will come in the new Genshin Impact 2.1 banners will be:

    • The Stringless
    • The Flute
    • Favonius Codex
    • Dragon's bane
    • Favonius Greatsword
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