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    Genshin Impact: Game of the Moment Has Raised Over $60 Million

    Genshin Impact: Game of the Moment Has Raised Over $60 Million

    A few days ago, one of the most anticipated mobile games of the year was released, Genshin Impact, which although it was presented for PlayStation and computers, it is on mobile devices that the game is most successful.

    But the most remarkable thing is that it's a free game both in Spain and in other countries, which has in-game purchases, which you have to look for to be able to make purchases, once you've collected so much money.

    Genshin Impact bate recordes de receita

    While the company has generated a buzz around the title with various betas and prizes based on the number of people interested in the launch, the revenue generated by the game has not been normal.

    Review: Genshin Impact, an amazing free-to-play and multiplayer RPG

    According to SensorTower, in the first week of play the title raised no less than 60 million dollars on the App Store and Google Play. And know that neither the revenue from the PlayStation, nor from the computer version nor from the Android stores used in China are included, that is, the final value should be much higher.

    There is only one game that generated more money than Genshin Impact in the last week, Honor Of Kings, one of those titles that is always in the top positions. It definitely looks like the in-game payment platform powered by Mihoyo is working very well.

    Although there are in-game purchases, the game is far from being pay-to-win, this alone guarantees a massive adhesion of fans of the RPG segment who can advance in the game without spending money.

    Of course, being a game full of envelopes and chests that deliver random content, it's easy for the user to want to open more. Despite that, you can enjoy the game, the story, get new characters and advance without having to pay for it.

    Now if you've been without internet for the last few days, or you've just come out of a cave and you have no idea what game this is, I invite you to download the game on your mobile device. There's only one problem, you may not be able to stop playing once you start playing!

    Download Genshin Impact

    • Play Station 4
    • Windows
    • iOS
    • Android
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