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    Goalkeeper changes! See FIFA 22 update notes

    Goalkeeper changes! See FIFA 22 update notes

    For FIFA fans, new updates don't always bring much peace of mind and satisfaction. In all these years of the franchise, EA Sports has been known for "ruining" its games with a few updates, introducing changes that change gameplay in a negative way.

    In some cases, these updates are even more worrisome, which happened with the last game update. If you play FIFA, you should know that updates that change something in the goalkeepers are always a big risk, and it was exactly an update as soon as it hit the game.

    FIFA 22 Review: When realism enters the field

    goalkeepers">New FIFA 22 update changes goalkeepers

    The update comes with the promise of fix some issues that hindered goalkeepers in the game, however it is true that the history makes many fans worry about these changes. Goalkeepers are something very complicated to change, since any mistake or small difference can totally affect the matches of the football title.

    It remains for the players to just hope that the update really only fixes certain problems, but doesn't end up creating even more complications for the goalkeepers of a FIFA that has already received criticism due to defenders. Check out some update notes below.


    • Goalkeepers were sometimes unable to make saves when shots were aimed close to them, between the knees and the head.
    • In some situations, goalkeepers were not making successful saves on shots that were within a reachable jump distance.
    • Sometimes a goalkeeper could commit a foul without the referee awarding a set piece to the other team.
    • In very rare circumstances, the goalkeeper could teleport when taking a jump to defend.

    In addition to the goalkeeper changes, the developers also made other adjustments to the title including visual updates, general defense modifications, gameplay changes and other improvements.

    Below you can check out the notes revealing what was modified in FIFA 22 gameplay.


    • Directed passes are now more likely to be intercepted by players who are in the path of the ball
    • Some dribbling animations triggered by moving the left stick, which include the player with the ball making small taps to avoid a potential tackle, will now only occur when the Contextual Agile Dribbling setting is on.
    • When defending a cross with the auto-switch setting set to auto, an auto-switch will occur a little faster than before
    • Reduced finishing assistance when attempting a shot in situations where the goalkeeper is positioned close to either of their posts
    • Improved AI teammate defensive marking during short corners.
    • Added more variety to the types of faults the CPU AI can perform.
    • Reduced the frequency of CPU AI slide tackles.
    • Removed some throwing animations that could occur when the player was trying to block a low or short pass.

    In this link you can check all the update notes.

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