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    God of War: Players Find Secret in Collector's Edition

      The God of War Collector's Edition appears to have revealed a secret within the PS4 game. God of War players managed to solve one of the game's puzzles, which at first only players of the special physical edition could have figured out. One of the players managed to decipher the set of instructions contained in the cloth map of the collector's edition and managed to find a reward.

      Via the Reddit forum, YouTuber BRKsEDU suggested that the real-life cloth map included in his hard copy of the game was not just for decorative purposes, but contained text, written in runes. These runes were mentioned by Kratos' son Atreus, in which he points out that they can be translated. With that, players translated these runes and followed the dots on the map.

      God of War: Players Find Secret in Collector's Edition

      Map reveals treasure to unlock reward

      Most of the text refers to the dwarven blacksmiths who help Kratos and Atreus along their journey, in this case, Brok and Sindri. Although the two are brothers, they are never seen together.  

      This is what the runic inscription on the left-hand side of the map says:

      The brilliant blacksmiths Brok and Sindri travelled all around the lands of Midgard to create this great map for the giantess Faye a mysterious treasure was found at the space between them at the conclusion of their journey unfortunately for the brothers the treasure’s location was instantly forgotten Brok retraced his steps and blamed Sindri for losing the treasure Sindri retraced his own steps but clearly knew it was Brok’s fault they could not find it the treasure was never found and neither brother has spoken to the other either since.

      The rune inscription on the left side of the map reads: The brilliant blacksmiths Brok and Sindri traveled throughout the lands of Midgard to create this great map for the giantess Faye. A mysterious treasure was found in the space between them at the end of their journey. Unfortunately for the brothers, the location of the treasure was instantly forgotten. Footsteps from him, blamed Sindri for losing the treasure, Sindri retraced her own steps but clearly knew it was Brok's fault and they couldn't find it. the treasure was never found and neither brother has since spoken to the other. 

      #GodofWar #PS4share

      – Miguel Brewer (@mabrewer07) April 27, 2018

      First, with the challenge proposed on the Reddit forum, players deduced the path taken by Brok and Sindri to then find the space between them. As a result, they obtained both sides of the Muspelheim Tower, which is below the giant temple of Tyr. That done, players would have followed the recommendations at the top of the cloth map, where to reveal the great treasure, you have to look, moving the camera, right and left, then forward, down, right and left. again. 

      Players then followed the orders laid out at the top of the cloth map, also written in runes. They are as follows:

      To Reveal the great treasure stand inside the golden circle and look straight ahead to tyrs temple now look to the left brazier look back to tyrs temple look to the right brazier and back to left brazier

      Having just looked to the left brazier now look back straight ahead to tyrs temple again now look down to the floor then look up to the right brazier and then back to the left brazier and finally look to tyrs temple to reveal the forgotten treasure

      The whole process is aimed at unlocking the forgotten treasure and receiving a reward which is the Forbidden Grip of the Ages for the God of War axe. 

      Fonte: Polygon

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