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    Good horror games to check out on Halloween!

    Halloween is the perfect date for horror fans! Although in Spain there is no culture of actually commemorating the date, at least not as in the United States, October is still a month that carries with it a more "terrifying" atmosphere.

    Being the perfect time of year to consume horror content, we also know that games become a great option for those who are looking for something to satisfy that urge to feel fear.

    Today, we bring you a list of good titles for those who want to check out some horror games this Halloween! So get ready to be overwhelmed by horror and be ready for some really tense journeys!

    Good horror games to check out on Halloween

    Top 10 Horror Movies This Week on Netflix

    The Evil Within

    The Evil Within is a excellent survival horror game, delivering a truly tense and terrifying journey. The title puts the player in the role of Sebastian Castellanos, a detective who must investigate the asylum Beacon Mental Hospital.

    Instead, Sebastian quickly realizes that things aren't quite right, and so the horror begins. In The Evil Within, the player must constantly face dark enemies, in really desperate situations.

    Until Dawn

    Until Dawn is a title that puts the player in control of different characters, with their actions and decisions changing the direction the game's plot will take.

    The game is very reminiscent of slasher horror movies, with young people needing to escape a masked killer, as well as other titles that are found in other horror subgenres. It is worth remembering that the player's choices are also decisive to define who will live and who will die.

    Friday the 13th: The Game

    Good horror games to check out on Halloween!

    Friday the 13th: The Game couldn't be left out of our Halloween list. The official franchise game Friday 13 It is capable of delivering moments of great attention, as well as providing a good laugh with friends.

    It's an online multiplayer, the title split players between survivors and Jason, with one of them taking on the role of the famous assassin. While needing to stay alive and away from the terrifying villain, the survivors must perform tasks to escape the map.

    Dead by Daylight

    Good horror games to check out on Halloween!

    Dead by Daylight is a title very similar to Friday the 13th, putting players in the role of survivors and one in the role of some killer, but the difference is that here there are more villains that can be used.

    The list of assassins is varied, and the game even performs crossovers as it recently did with Resident Evil, bringing Nemesis, Jill, Leon and other characters into the game. In addition, Dead by Daylight is pointed out by many as a more complete game than its "competitor", despite not having Jason.

    Alien: isolation

    Good horror games to check out on Halloween!

    Alien: Isolation is a great survival horror, recovering the atmosphere of the first film in the franchise. The title shows that the Xenomorph can be just as frightening as assassins and other types of creatures we encounter in horror.

    With a perfect soundtrack, atmosphere of absurd tension and many moments of complete horror, the title is an excellent choice for those who want to feel the real fear.

    Resident Evil 7

    Good horror games to check out on Halloween!

    In case you haven't checked out the title that changed the course of the franchise, Halloween could be the ideal time to do so! After a few action-focused titles, Resident Evil returned to pure horror, embracing even some elements that generated controversy.

    In Resident Evil 7, in the role of Ethan Winters, the player embarks on a terrifying journey, in the franchise's first first-person title. RE7 delivers a really tense atmosphere, offering completely sinister villains.

    Resident evil village

    Good horror games to check out on Halloween!

    Being the latest title on our list, Village is also a good choice for Halloween. the game delivers various horror elements, including vampires, werewolves, and even a killer doll, with both featuring franchise-specific characteristics, of course.

    The title offers different stages, with features and elements with gore, "supernatural" and more accompanying the player's journey. At certain times, Village is able to remember classic works about vampires, as in others, is extremely similar to ghost stories or other types of creatures.

    Outlast 1 e 2

    Good horror games to check out on Halloween!

    Outlast leaves the player in a terrible situation of vulnerability. In the game, there are no usable weapons, with a camera being the only equipment you can use to fend off terrifying creatures.

    There is a constant feeling of being unable to defend yourself, which makes the game become really traumatic. In addition to the excellent first title, we also already have its sequel, with the second game offering some interesting news and maintaining the essence of the first release.

    Amnesia: The Dark Descent

    Good horror games to check out on Halloween!

    As in the Outlast franchise, in Amnesia the player does not have any weapons to defend themselves. The big problem is that you must explore a castle that has many macabre creatures.

    In the game, monsters lower the character's sanity, something that is extremely important. So what you should do in each encounter with creatures is run or hide, but never actually face them. During your journey to recover the character's memories, you'll need to have a quick wit to stay alive.

    Slender: The Arrival

    Good horror games to check out on Halloween!

    taking advantage of one of the most famous horror legends, Slender: The Arrival offers a very tense and harrowing journey, with the game's big villain could appear at any time.

    Having to carefully take care of your stamina, the player needs to know when to run, as getting tired is a big problem if the Slender appears by your side!

    Did you like the horror list? Stay tuned to Techlifers for more lists, reviews, previews and more about games in general!

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